• B Troop Cavalry Charge

    B Troop Cavalry Charge

  • B Troop Cavalry Charge - Retirement Ceremony

    B Troop Cavalry Charge - Retirement Ceremony

  • B Troop Demonstration

    B Troop Demonstration

B Troop is a U.S. Army mounted ceremonial unit whose mission is to promote the heritage and traditions of the U.S. Army in the Southwest during the mid to late 1800s and support recruiting, community relations, and official/nonofficial ceremonial functions. Through appearances at social, cultural and other activities, B Troop advances the interests of the U.S. Army, military horsemanship of the 1880s, and the history of Fort Huachuca.

The unit is officially established by regulation and funded by the Army. The unit has a zero-manpower authorization and relies on volunteers to fill its ranks. Members are drawn from Active Duty, Reserve and retired military personnel, Department of Defense civilians employed at Fort Huachuca, and military family members ages 18 and over. Members of the unit are uniformed, equipped and armed in accordance with U.S. Cavalry standards of the 1880s.

Requesting B Troop

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B Troop may be requested to support your event or activity through the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization, and Security (DPTMS) at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.​​​​​ They can be reached by emailing usarmy.huachuca.id-training.mbx.huac-watch@army.mil. Requests must be received at least 60 days in advance of the event.

B Troop can provide up to seven mounted troopers per event depending on the availability of personnel. The unit is able to support the following types of activities:

  • Cavalry riding demonstrations (requires riding arena)
  • Parades or mounted drill
  • Outdoor ceremonies
  • Mounted color guard at rodeos or sporting events
  • Educational presentations
  • Historical re-enactments or static displays
  • Artillery demonstrations

Events requiring overnight stays or long-distance traveling require funding support from the requesting agency. 

Contact the B Troop Program Coordinator for more information usarmy.huachuca.id-training.mbx.b-troop@army.mil