U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICoE)
Maj. Gen. Richard T. "Rick" Appelhans
Commanding General, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence & Fort Huachuca
Maj. Gen. Richard T. "Rick" Appelhans assumed duties as the Commanding General, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence & Fort Huachuca on July 19, 2023. He also serves as the Chief of the Military Intelligence Corps. complete bio
Brig. Gen. Theodore R. Scott III
Deputy Commanding General (Reserve Component), U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence
Brig. Gen. Theodore R. Scott III, is the Commanding General for the 78th Troop Command, Georgia Army National Guard. Scott is also dual -hatted as the Deputy Commanding General (Reserve Component) for USAICoE. complete bio
Command Sgt. Maj. Jesse M. Townsend
Command Sergeant Major, U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence
Command Sgt. Maj. Jesse Townsend entered military service in July 1997. Townsend completed Basic Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. complete bio
The U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, develops doctrinally founded MI professionals and drives Intelligence Warfighting Function force modernization across Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership & Education, Personnel, Facilities & Policy, enabling our Army to compete and win in Large Scale Combat Operations against peer threats in multi-domain contested environments through Army 2030 to Army 2040.
A dedicated and innovative team of professionals providing premier intelligence training, doctrine and capabilities to the force – the vanguard of Army Military Intelligence!
always out frontDefine & Design Your Success Mentorship Program
The D2YS Mentorship Program encourages individual empowerment, fosters self-actualization (fulfilment of one's unique talent and potential), and creates bonds between emerging and seasoned Military Intelligence leaders spanning their careers and beyond.
Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin
The MIPB has transitioned to a primarily online forum designed to keep intelligence professionals informed and to allow for the exchange of ideas, concepts, problems, and solutions for the purpose of professional development.
Military Intelligence Library
The Chief Warrant Officer 2 Christopher G. Nason Military Intelligence Library supports the research, educational and training needs of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and its allied community through the delivery of knowledge services – generation of content, development of products, directed assistance and solution sharing.
LandWarNet eUniversity
The Army's one-stop training resource for all things cyber, signal, mission command and information technology. You'll find info on COMSEC, SATCOM and tactical radios, too. With more than 40,000 training aids and products, you're sure to find something worth tucking away.
Military Intelligence Hall of Fame
The Military Intelligence Corps was activated on July 1, 1987 in accordance with the United States Army Regimental System. One year later, on July 1, 1988, the Military Intelligence Corps Hall of Fame was formally established. Its purpose is to honor those soldiers and civilians whose exceptional performances have made special contributions to the Military Intelligence profession.
Military Intelligence Lineage & Honors
The U.S. Army Center of Military History's mission is to accurately collect, preserve, interpret and express the Army's history and material culture to more broadly educate and develop our force, the military profession and the nation.