Go to the Fort Belvoir Catholic Community Website Here

Weekday Mass, Labor Day through Memorial Day

Daily - Monday Thru Friday 1205 (September - May) - Woodlawn Chapel


Weekend Mass

Saturday:  1700  - Woodlawn Chapel

Sunday:  0930     - Belvoir Chapel

Sunday:  1100     - Belvoir Chapel


1145 Daily Before the Mass

Miraculous Medal Novena:
Every Monday following daily Mass

First Friday of every month 0900-1145 - Woodlawn Chapel

The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Catholic Coordinator 703-806-5745
Saturdays, 1600-1645, Also by appointment contact POC - Woodlawn Chapel



Saturday: 1600-1645 - Woodlawn Chapel

By appointment, call 703-806-5745.


Religious Education


Sunday: 1045-1200 - Preschool to Adult

Catholic Youth meet monthly.  Call 703-806-3418.


Marriage Preparation Classes: POC Catholic Coordinator 703-806-5745

Required appointment at least 9 months prior to projected wedding date.


Sacrament of Marriage: POC Catholic Coordinator 703-806 -5745

1 year prior to the wedding date.


Sacrament of Baptism: POC Catholic Coordinator 703-806 -5745

To schedule class and baptism dates, contact the POC
First Saturday of each month
Baptisms are scheduled on the fourth Sunday of each month after the 0915 Mass.
Class for parents and godparents on. Pre-registration is required.


Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC)

Wednesday: 0930-1200 - Woodlawn Chapel


Knights of Columbus

2nd & 4th Thursdays: 1930 -  Belvoir Chapel



For more information on any of the above Catholic ministries, call 703-806-5745.