Sunday Worship Services
Traditional: 1100 - Belvoir Chapel
Liturgical: 0900 - Fairfax Chapel
Chapel NEXT: 0930 – Thurman Hall
Gospel: 1130 - Thurman Hall
Click Here to go to the ChapelNext Website
Midweek Gospel Bible Study
Thursday 1800 Family Fellowship meal
Thursday 1900 Adult Bible study
Thursday 1900 Sunshine & Youth Choir
Thursday 1900 Teen Bible Study
Thursday 1900 Small Group Bible Study
Religious Education Hye Jin Hwang 703-806-3958
Sunday School: 0920-1020 - REC
Ages 5to Adult
Student Ministries (Grades 7-12)
Wednesday: 1830-2000 - Belvoir Chapel
Sunday: 1600-1745 - REC
Ages 3 to 12th Grade
Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS): POC Aspen
Every Tuesday: 0930 (September - May) - Woodlawn Chapel
Pre-registration required at
Belvoir Men of Faith (BMOF) POC John Rossl
2nd & 4th Saturdays: 0730-0900 - REC
Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC) POC Julie Evans
Tuesday: 1900 (September - May) Bible Study - REC
Thursday: 0930 (September - May)- Belvoir Chapel/REC
Click Here for the Protestant Women of the Chapel Website
Praise Moves/Devoted Fitness
Monday and Wednesday 1045 (September - July) - REC
(REC-Religious Education Center)
For more information on any of the above Protestant ministries,
call 703-806-3958.