• Army Career Tracker (ACT)
  • Upon receiving Assignment Instructions, the Soldier must login to the ACT  website at: https://actnow.army.mil.
    • Click on the Sponsorship tab, then click on sub Tab for "Form" and  complete sections 1, 2, 4 and 5. Leave section 3 blank for the gaining  installation to complete. In section 4D enter the following: Installation TASP,  316-637-7141 and usarmy.vicenza.imcom-europe.mbx.army-sponsorship@mail.mil
    • After you have completed those sections, please check the portion “I  certify” block below your rank in section 1 and save your form at the bottom of  the page.
      • Entering this information in the ACT system will generate your DA Form 5434  while sending your information to the gaining installation.
      • Wait until the gaining installation returns the DA Form 5434 with section
      • three completed and an identified sponsor.
    • Email a copy of the completed DA Form 5434 to:  usarmy.Vicenza.imcom-europe.mbx.army-sponsorship@mail.mil.