ACS: Two Key Programs
Relocation Readiness
- Relocation Counseling
- Communication with the gaining installation
- Welcome Packets
- Plan My Move Tool
- Military Installation Information
Waiting Families Program
- Needs Assessment
- Provides support and services to geographically separated Families
- Provides local information to geographically separated Families
- ACS Mobilization and Deployment 634-7500
ACS: Preparing to PCS
- OHA management
- Spending plans
- Account for income and entitlement changes
- PCS leave
- Establishing a new household
- Cost of household items, setup fees, renting vs. buying
- Know what your credit says about you!
- Check reports for free at
- Protect against identity theft with free active duty alert valid for 1 year
- Visit ACS for a free FICO credit score and for help with improving your credit standing
EFMP: Requirements for Updating
You must visit the EFMP ACS Office to Out-Process
- If a Family Member is enrolled in EFMP, a copy of your orders is needed.
- If enrolled, a Needs Assessment will be completed quickly and we will connect you to the gaining installation.
- While in Transition: Hand-carry the EFM’s medical and educational documents; hand carry medication necessary for several months.
- Special Housing Needs: Request assistance from EFMP prior to departure from your losing installation.
- EFMP Updates:
- Medical enrollments must be updated every three years or if the condition changes.
- Educational enrollments must be updated every year.
EFMP: Relocating to Another Overseas Location
Special Education Needs: For Non DoDDs school options you may want to research to find the school which best fits your child’s needs. For this and DoDDs information, visit USAG-Italy school liaison officer.
Command Sponsorship Process:
- ALL SOLDIERS: The Command Sponsorship screening, DA5888 must be completed if you are remaining in Vicenza, or moving to overseas installations, including Alaska or Hawaii.
- EFMP ACS office may facilitate the DA5888.