Child, Youth & School Services / School Liaison Officer
School Support Services
Assist you and your child transition to new school/installation
Regulation 608-101 requires Soldiers to clear SLO
Assists families in connecting with SLOs at the sponsor’s gaining unit.
SSS: Students’ Challenges
Leaving friends and making new friends
Adjusting and fitting in
Repeating courses
Finding their way around
Credit being accepted for graduation
Confusion on new schedule
New School procedure (bus stop, lunch schedule, ID cards)
Extracurricular offerings
Have someone to eat lunch with
SSS: Withdrawal Procedures for Sure Start – 12th Grade Students
Notify school registrar’s office once you have received an estimated departure date.
Complete withdraw request and provide a copy of the Sponsor’s PCS orders at least 2 weeks prior to departure.
Ensure student has followed proper withdrawal process of the school to include:
Return ID/library card. Clear library. Return all books (library and text) and school material calculators, computers, cameras, all electronic equipment etc)
Clear all charges and fines
Clear Nurse's and attendance office
Clear any extracurricular activities (return equipment and clean uniforms to sport coaches and ROTC)
Clear AAFES Horizon Student Meal Program
Ensure proper clearing through Child, Youth & School Services - Parent Central Services – Office 42
Clear School Support Services – Office 43
Contact the School Liaison Officer when you arrive at new installation
Enroll your children upon arrival at your new duty stations.