The National Training Center & Fort Irwin Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Office assists commanders in their efforts to formulate and sustain a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential and to ensure fair treatment of all persons based solely on merit, performance, and potential in support of readiness.
Through the cooperative efforts of unit commanders and the EO Advisors, the goal of the EO Program is to create and sustain effective units by eliminating discriminatory behaviors or practices that undermine teamwork, mutual respect, loyalty, and shared sacrifice of the military members and their Family members assigned to this installation.
Complaint Process
The complaint processing system addresses complaints that allege unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex (to include gender identity), national origin, religion, or sexual orientation and harassment, which includes hazing, bullying, and other discriminatory harassment. Concerns raised and/or resolved outside of the complaint processing system are considered problem resolution or leadership actions; and are not considered MEO or harassment complaints. Incidents involving allegations of criminal behavior (that is, violations of UCMJ) will be reported or referred to law enforcement.Attempts should always be made to solve the problem at the lowest possible level within an organization.
Note: Fort Irwin DA civilians should visit the Fort Irwin EEO site for their complaint process.
- Anonymous complaints are those where the complainant remains unidentified may be handled as either an informal or a formal complaint and entered in MEO database, as such. The commander will determine if sufficient information is provided to proceed as either an informal or formal complaint. The commander will be identified as the complainant on the DA Form 7279 (Equal Opportunity and Harassment Complaint Form) and in MEO database.
- An informal complaint is one that a Soldier, cadet, or Family member does not wish to file in writing on a DA Form 7279. Informal complaints may be resolved directly by the complainant addressing the offending party, a peer, or another person in or outside the complainant's chain of command or NCO chain of command, or the MEO professional. When practical, an informal complaint should be resolved within 60 calendar days.
A formal complaint is one that a complainant files in writing using a DA Form 7279 and swears to the accuracy of the information. A complaint should be filed at the lowest echelon of command. Formal complaints require specific actions, are subject to timelines, and require documentation of the actions taken.
Equal Opportunity Leaders Course (EOLC)
The Equal Opportunity Leaders Course is a six-day course that focuses the student on equal opportunity and diversity management. It prepares graduates to perform the duties of an Equal Opportunity Leader at both the battalion and company level. Graduates of the course will possess the skills required to advise commanders in the conduct of informal equal opportunity complaints, conduct unit level equal opportunity training, assist the commander in climate assessment, assist in the preparation of special ethnic observances, and serve as the primary resource manager of equal opportunity matters within the unit.
Location: Fort Irwin Distance Learning Center, Bldg.
(16 students per class)
Notes: the EOL Course will be held at the Fort Irwin Distance Learning Center, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Students attending the course that do not arrive prior to 11 a.m. on the first day will be dropped from the course. This is an ATTRS course and anyone who fails to report will reflect as a No-Show in ATTRS. Registration forms must be submitted through your respective unit EOA to the Fort Irwin MEO Office. All potential students will be slotted on a first come, first serve basis. The registration packet consists of the EOLC registration form, Interview Questions, and directions to Bldg. 284.
Soldiers must be SGT (P) through CPT to attend this course.
Command Climate Assesment(CCA)
Command climate assessments help commanders establish and maintain a positive command climate, which, in turn, helps sustain a Ready and Resilient Force. Command climate assessments are particularly important as we continue to work to eliminate discrimination based on race, color, sex (including gender identity), religion, national origin, or sexual orientation. Commanders will use the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute Organizational Climate Survey (DEOCS) for the survey component of their command climate assessments.
All Active Army commanders will conduct an initial command climate assessment within 60 days of assuming command, to be followed by a subsequent assessment annually thereafter while retaining command. Within 30 days of completing the command climate assessment, the requesting commander will brief the next higher level commander on the results of his/her command climate assessment and their Commander’s Action Plan to address concerns raised within the assessment. Additionally, within 30 days all commanders will brief their subordinates on the results and his/her command climate assessment and their Commander’s Action Plan to address concerns raised within the assessment.
NTC & Fort Irwin Military Equal Opportunity(MEO) Ethnic Observances
The EO special/ethnic observances, events, and activities are designed to enhance cross-cultural and cross-gender awareness and promote harmony, pride, teamwork, and esprit de corps among military members, their families, and the civilian work force. These observances are conducted to recognize the continuous achievements of all Americans to American culture and to increase awareness, mutual respect, and understanding. The focus of a special observance should be on encouraging interaction, not just recognition.