A Blackhorse Trooper provides overwatch security during a battle in Razish. This event tests the Rotational Training Unit's abiltiy to seize dense urban terrain.
Blackhorse Trooper Rocks the RTU
A Blackhorse Trooper fires a Rocket Propelled Grenade at a Rotational Training Unit's vehicle during the battle in Razish. The Blackhorse Regiment serves a tough, realistic enemy testing the RTU's training and systems.
Blackhorse on the Go
Blackhorse Vehicles maneuver to attack the Rotational Training Unit in the central corridor. This attack tests the RTU's ability to hold and defend key terrain.
OSV moves into the fight
an OPFOR Surrogate Vehicle maneuvers into position to attack the Rotational Training Unit. This attack tests the RTU's ability to hold and defend key terrain.
Blackhorse RPG attack on Bradley
A Blackhorse Trooper fires a Rocket Propelled Grenade at a Rotational Training Unit Bradley during the fight in Razish. The wide range of the Blackhorse Regiment's weaponry tests the RTU's plans and training.
Blackhorse dismounts in the hills
Blackhorse Troopers dismount and conduct patrols through restricted terrain. The Blackhorse Regiment has a wide breadth of capabilities that mimic a near peer threat for the Rotational Training Unit.
MBT Overwatch
A Blackhorse Main Battle Tank provides overwatch of their defense objective. The Blackhorse Regiment conducts a defense to test the Rotational Training Unit's ability to attack into a open area to seize an objective.