Catholic MassWeekday Mass & Confession
Day Time Location
Wednesday 1200 Center Chapel (Bldg 315)


Sunday Mass

Time Location
0900 Center Chapel (Main Post Chapel)


Catholic Religious Education - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD)
DayDay TimeTime Location
ThursdaySunday 11301015 Center Chapel/Annex


Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints

Day Time Location
Sunday 1300 Center Chapel/Annex

Confession: Speak with Catholic Priest for alternate confession times.

MuslimPrayer Time
Day Time Location
Friday 1230 Religious Support Campus Bldg 317 "The Rock"
Nondenominational Christian ServiceServices
Date Time Location
Sunday 11:00 Center Chapel (Main Post Chapel)
Latter Day SaintsService
Date Time Location
Sunday 1300 Blackhorse Chapel - Bldg 211
LDS Religious Education
DayDay TimeTime Location
ThursdaySunday 113013:15 Religious Support Campus (Main Post Chapel) Bldg 315