Our Mission

The Directorate of Human Resources provides military service members personnel, administrative and educational services to USAG Humphreys, Suwon and Osan Airbases and tenant commands. We enable the well-being of Soldiers, Civilians and Family members.

Our Contact Information

The Directorate of Human Resouces involves:

•  Administrative Services
•  Official Mail Distribution Center (OMDC)
•  Records Management
•  Publications & Forms
•  Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)
•  Education Services
•  Military Personnel Division (MPD)
•  ID Cards
•  Soldiers for Life-Transition Assistance Program (SFL-TAP)
•  Transition Services
•  Retirement Services


Army Civilian Fitness and Health Promotion Program

The goal of the program is to enhance the health, fitness, and quality of life of Department of the Army Civilians while increasing organizational wellness and mission productivity. Evidence indicates that employees afforded an opportunity to participate in fitness and health promotion programs experience increased readiness and resiliency, enhanced morale, increased productivity, reduced sick leave use, and increased job and life satisfaction.

Army Directive 2021-03 (Army Civilian Fitness and Health Promotion Program)

Command Policy 35 - Civilian Wellness and Fitness Program

HQ AMIM-HM Form 1082 (Civilian Fitness Registration Form)

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)

Physical Fitness Program Release (Waiver of Liability)

DHR List of Services

The Administrative Services Branch (ASB) is responsible for providing overall support and serving as the principle US Army Garrison Humphreys advisor for records management and printing, publications, and forms management.
The Army Substance Abuse Prevention program provides education & early intervention to help commanders, civilian supervisors, and the USAG Humphreys community reduce lifestyle risk factors to increase healthy outcomes. We are committed to understanding our supported units and their missions, anticipating what is needed to sustain mission readiness, and proudly serving as a valued member of the Commander’s battle staff.
Our mission is to ensure enrollment in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), and provide Common Access Cards (CAC) and/or Official Identification Cards to Soldiers, Family members, Retirees as well as Civilian and Contract Employees working on USAG Humphreys.
The Army Continuing Education System (ACES) promotes lifelong learning, readiness and resilience through flexible and relevant education programs, services and systems in support of the Total Army family.
The Army's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a voluntary, confidential program that helps employees (including management) work through various life challenges that may adversely affect job performance, health, and personal well-being and to optimize an organizations success. The Army's EAP includes a wide variety of services to promote productivity, reduce absenteeism, enhance job performance and/or well-being, and support worksite safety, in order to ensure the Army's mission is accomplished in an efficient manner.
The Family Travel section assists Soldiers and Family members with Command Sponsorship requests, adding dependents to existing Command Sponsorship, transfer of Command Sponsorship, early return of dependent and dependent student travel.
The various agencies within the Military Personnel Division are responsible for providing installation level personnel services to military personnel within USAG Humphreys community.
Other services provided by MPD like Dependent Student Travel (Student Funded Travel), In-Place Consecutive Overseas Tour (IPCOT), and Emergency Leave.
U.S. Army Garrison Humphreys Post Office page.
The Reassignment Section provides equitable, effective and efficient HR services to all Soldiers on assignment instructions ensuring a smooth and timely permanent change of station (PCS).
The Retirement Services Office educates Soldiers and Family Members about their retirement benefits and entitlements, and provides the information needed to make appropriate and timely decisions for themselves and their Families The Retirement Services Officer provides a monthly pre-retirement briefing, retirement information support, and mandatory Survivor Benefit Plan counseling. It also publishes local retiree bulletins and supports the Installation Retiree Council.
The Transition Assistance Program’s mission is to provide quality transition assistance, information, and training to eligible transitioning Service members and families. This program empowers transitioning Service member to gain the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to be competitive and successful in the global workforce.
The Transition Center (TC) provides quality transition service to all Soldiers (Active Duty, Army Reserve, National Guard) transitioning from the military for administrative separations (voluntary, involuntary and medical), and expiration term of service (ETS). The TC prepares and provides a detailed and accurate certificate of release or discharge from active duty (DD Form 214), the most important document a transitioning Soldier receives.
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