The Administrative Services Branch is responsible for providing overall support and serving as the principle U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii advisor for records management and printing, publications, and forms management.
Adolescent Support and Counseling Service, or ASACS, provides confidential counseling for adolescents and families for a variety of concerns in Hawai’i.
The Army Continuing Education System's mission is to vigorously promote lifelong learning opportunities to sharpen the competitive edge of the Army by providing and managing quality self-development programs and services.
Army Emergency Relief is the Army's own emergency financial assistance organization and is dedicated to "Helping the Army Take Care of its Own."
The Military Pay Office provides finance and accounting services for military and defense agencies, including military pay operations for active duty Army and National Guard service members.
The Army Substance Abuse Program, or ASAP, promotes prevention through education and training related to alcohol/substance abuse and suicide. ASAP also provides drug testing and other services for both Soldiers and civilian employees.
The Casualty Assistance Center serves as the primary point of contact for surviving spouses or other family members of active duty and retired service members. The staff handles notification of next-of-kin, coordinates casualty assistance officers, and briefs surviving family members on their benefits. The Casualty Assistance Center also arranges military honors with funeral homes for all deceased Army personnel (active duty, retirees, veterans).
The purpose of the Army’s Civilian Drug Testing Program is to execute the Drug-free Federal Workplace Executive Order 12564 dated Sept. 15, 1986.
The Civilian Personnel Advisory Center, or CPAC, is made up of a team of human resources professionals dedicated to supporting and empowering service members, civilian employees, families and veterans worldwide in an era of persistent conflict.
The Clean Water Program oversees the garrison's compliance with the Clean Water Act. We support the Army's efforts to perform its construction, training and daily operations in a manner that sustains Hawaii's naturally beautiful waters.
The Defense Commissary Agency operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees and their families in a safe and secure shopping environment.
The Community Information Exchange, or CIE, is a monthly meeting that informs Soldiers and families on installation and community matters.
Get the latest information about the status of COVID-19 within U.S. Army Hawaii.
U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii has responsibility for cultural resources within Army jurisdiction on Oahu, and provides support for management of historic buildings and districts within Army jurisdiction on the Island of Hawaii. The cultural resources program provides environmental stewardship while supporting readiness.
Schedule an appointment to get your common access card, or CAC, or military ID card online. It's quick and easy. Have you lost your CAC or did someone steal your ID card? Do you need to add a family member to DEERS? We can help!
Dengue fever is a viral illness spread by mosquitoes. It cannot be spread from person to person. The disease occurs mainly in tropical Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and the South Pacific. It is most common during the rainy season in areas infested with infected mosquitoes.
Did you know U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii has a mobile app? Digital Garrison securely delivers information from more than 60 Army installations around the world. The app is free and available on both Android and Apple devices.
The eMILPO/Personnel Automation Section's mission is to manage installation personnel, accounting, strength reporting and the eMILPO database for data accuracy and accepted timelines within the Department of the Army standards.
The Employee Assistance Program is designed to assist civilian employees in identifying and resolving personal problems that may affect their job performance or well-being.
Form to accept anonymous questions from employees for employee town halls.
The Directorate of Public Works offers three courses multiple times each year for U.S. Army Hawaii's appointed environmental compliance officers. Environmental compliance officers are a commander's and director's most valuable asset for maintaining compliance with all federal, state and Army environmental regulations.
Since 1895, the Army & Air Force Exchange Service has been serving a critical role in strengthening military readiness, recruiting and retention. Today, the Exchange continues to go where warfighters and their families go to provide tax-free shopping and military-exclusive pricing at installations worldwide and online.
List of commonly asked questions and answers.
Information about medical and dental care while stationed in Hawaii.
In-processing information for active duty Soldiers PCSing to Hawaii.