Command documents are managed by the Directorate of Human Resources' Forms and Publications Control Officer; call (808) 787-1441 with any questions.
The following policies are signed by the U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii commander and apply to all Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, Department of Defense contractors, family members and visitors to U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii installations.
Policy 10: Operations Security, Policy 24: Key and Essential (K&E) Positions and Designated Quarters, Policy 40: Garrison Commander's Critical Information Requirement and Serious Incident Report Requirements, and Policy 44: Permit for Archaeological Investigations are controlled unclassified information. They are available on the garrisons' intranet CAC Required Snippet.
- Policy 01: Physical Training Running Routes & Pedestrian Rights and Duties - 1/31/23
- Policy 02: Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Employment - 11/30/22
- Policy 03: Alcohol Use/Abuse - 2/7/23
- Policy 04: Environmental Compliance and Protection Program - 2/7/23
- Policy 05: Policies and Procedures for Operations of the Installation Memorial Board - 12/16/22
- Policy 06: Environmental Policy - 3/30/23
- Policy 07: Army Hearing Program - 3/30/23
- Policy 08: Authorized Use List - 11/30/22
- Policy 09: Disbursement of Recycling Funds - 2/7/23
- Policy 11: Solid Waste Management and Recycling - 3/30/23
- Policy 12: Child Supervision Policy for Army Installations in Hawaii - 4/4/23
- Policy 13: Animal Control Policy - 11/30/22
- Policy 14: Vehicle Operator License/Driver Training Policy - 2/7/23
- Policy 15: Safety - 11/21/22
- Policy 17: Visitor Rules for Schofield Barracks Post Cemetery - 11/30/22
- Policy 18: Fundraising on USAG-HI Installations - 5/5/23
- Policy 19: Temporary Lodging Allowance - 2/23/24
- Policy 20: Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention, or SHARP, Program - 2/7/23
- Policy 21: Travel Policy for Military and APF Civilian Employees - 1/24/23
- Policy 22: Automatic External Defibrillator Program - 2/7/23
- Policy 25: Holiday Lighting - 2/7/23
- Policy 27: Open Burn Policy - 11/30/22
- Policy 29: Personal Commercial Solicitation - 3/30/23
- Policy 30: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Enforcement Program - 11/30/22
- Policy 31: Unsolicited Gifts and Donations Management - 12/2/22
- Policy 32: Storm Water Pollution Control Plan Enforcement Program - 11/21/22
- Policy 33: Spill Kit Requirements - 2/7/23
- Policy 34: Restrictions on Use of Commercially Purchased Unmanned Aerial Systems - 2/7/23
- Policy 35: Wildlife Friendly Lighting and Dark Skies - 4/25/24
- Policy 39: Unaccompanied Personnel Housing - 2/7/23
- Policy 42: Ammunition and Explosives Routes for Entry Into or Through Areas of Schofield Barracks and Wheeler Army Airfield - 11/30/22
- Policy 43: Liability for Damage to Government Quarters, Furnishings and Equipment - 12/1/22
- Policy 45: Privacy Act - 2/7/23
- Policy 46: Acquisition of Information Technology Hardware, Software and Services - 2/7/23
- Policy 47: Command Supply Discipline Program - 1/31/23
- Policy 48: Home-Based Businesses (HBBs) and Home-Based Businesses-Cottage Food (HBB-CF) - 4/13/23
- Policy 49: Non-Federal Entities (NFE) Policy to Operate on USAG-HI Installations - 4/13/23
- Policy 50: Green Waste - 2/7/23
The following policy memos are signed by the U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii commander and apply to all Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, Department of Defense contractors, family members and visitors to U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii installations.
- Avoidance of Little Fire Ant Introduction
- Construction Runoff Control Program Policy
- Electrical Generator Control Policy
- Landscaping with Native Plants
- Management of Class VIII Medical Supply Items
- Standard Honey Bee Response Guidance for Honey Bee Swarms and Established Hives
- Standard Physical Termite Barrier Guidance for Sustainment, Restoration, Renovation, Modernization and Military Construction Projects
- Tenant Informal Dispute Resolution Procedures
- Tree Cutting Moratorium
The following standard operating procedures are staffed through the U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii commander and apply to all military and civilian personnel, contractors and tenant organizations under the command and/or control of U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii located on all U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii installations.
The following memos are signed by the U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii commander and apply to all Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, Department of Defense contractors, family members and visitors to U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii installations.
The following pamphlets are signed by the U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii commander and apply to all Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, Department of Defense contractors, family members and visitors to U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii installations.
- Pamphlet 25-30: Managing U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Administrative Publications and Index of Command Publications
- Pamphlet 25-31: Managing U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii Command and Local Forms and Index of Command Forms
- Pamphlet 25-59: Office Symbols
- Pamphlet 420-2: Temporary Water Services Administrative Support Supplement
The following regulations are signed by the U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii commander and apply to all Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, Department of Defense contractors, family members and visitors to U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii installations.
- Regulation 1: U.S. Army Hawaii Standards & Discipline
- Regulation 190-5: U.S. Army Hawaii Traffic Code
- Regulation 210-14: Assignments of Real Property Facilities
- Regulation 210-15: Disposition of Temporary World War II-Era Buildings
- Regulation 420-2: Temporary Water Services
U.S. Army Hawaii Publications
The following policies are signed by the commanders of U.S. Army Hawaii, U.S. Army Pacific, Installation Management Command Pacific, or the Department of the Army.
These policies and memos apply to all Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, Department of Defense contractors, family members and visitors to U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii installations.
- USARHAW Policy Letter #1 - Senior Commander Division Commander's Open Door Policy
- USARHAW Policy Letter #2 - Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention Program
- USARHAW Policy Letter #3 - Military Equal Opportunity and Harassment Prevention and Response
- USARHAW Policy Letter #4 - Harassment Prevention and Response Program
- USARHAW Policy Letter #5 - Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Harassment Complaint Procedures