U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii's Visual Information Center operates two Department of Army Photo Labs and TV2. TV2 provides audio and video support for garrison and unit events, and units can check out equipment. All requests (for audio visual support or equipment check out) must be submitted using the Visual Information Ordering Site ✪. The first time you use the system, you will have to register using your Common Access Card.
For DA Photo services contact @ 808-787-1906.
For more information on VI services contact TV2 @:
TV2 Support and Graphics: 520-687-1229
TV2 Support: 520-725-4706
VI (TV2) Manager: 520-687-1228
Photo Labs
Department of the Army photo labs provide support for official photos, command photos and passport photos for official travel only.
Fort Shafter Photo Lab
217 Montgomery Drive, Building S330
Room 110
Fort Shafter, Hawaii 96858
Main Office: 808-787-1469
Open Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-11 a.m., and noon-3 p.m.
Closed all federal holidays
Monday-Wednesday-Fridays 3-4 p.m. Administrative hour, open for questions and photo pick-up only.
Schofield Barracks Photo Lab
Building 2038, Suite 17
391 Matthews Avenue
Main Office: (808) 655-1905
Open Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-11:30 a.m., and noon-3:30 p.m.
Closed all federal holidays
Monday-Friday 3-4 p.m. Administrative hour, open for questions and photo pick-up only.
Preparing for an Official Photo
Soldiers should refer to AR 670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia or AR 640-30 Official Army Photographs for additional information.
Scheduling Official Photos
Soldiers and civilians needing official photos must schedule an appointment at the Visual Information Ordering Site Visual Information Ordering Site ✪. Do not call the local offices to schedule an appointment; staff will be unable to assist.
Because the site requires a Common Access Card to log in, family members needing photos for official passports will need to have the service member or civilian employee schedule the appointment.