The band would be redesignated twice thereafter – first, as the 232nd Army Band on May 17, 1947, and then again as the 10th Infantry Division Band on June 18, 1948.
Another redesignation took place on Nov. 3, 1987, when the band received its current name as the 10th Mountain Division (LI) Band. At this time, the band was relocated to Fort Drum, New York, where it continues to serve today.
The 10th Mountain Division (LI) Band earned World War II campaign credit for service in Italy, deployed to Florida for Hurricane Andrew Relief (1993) and to Haiti for Operation Uphold Democracy (1994-1995), and supported Ice Crisis in 1998, performing for ice storm victims and relief volunteers throughout northern New York.
In the winter of 1999-2000, the band deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina in support of Operation Joint Forge, performing holiday music for U.S. troops as well as the Bosnian people.
In February 2002, the band deployed to Kosovo in support of Operation KFOR, performing for troops and civilians in the towns of Cernica and Ponces. A portion of the band deployed to Afghanistan in 2003 to support Operation Enduring Freedom.
The 10th Mountain Division (LI) Band deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom VI in May 2008. While deployed, the band supported ceremonies and was instrumental in maintaining Soldier readiness by improving troop morale through music.
10th Mountain Division Band
Bldg. 119
Nash Boulevard
Fort Drum, NY 13602
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Band Operations:
(315) 772-2308
Band Public Affairs:
(315) 774-6112