• Soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division Sustainment Brigade participate in the annual Mountain of Toys ruck march on Fort Drum.

    Soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division Sustainment Brigade participate in the annual Mountain of Toys ruck march on Fort Drum.

Event Flyers

Check out these upcoming events! (Click on an image to enlarge it.) For information on other upcoming events, click HERE!


Snow Ridge flyer

Guided Snowmobile Ride flyeer

Valentines 5K 2025 Flyer

Announcements  ​​​​

Officials ask community members
to help prevent frozen pipes 

Fort Drum Directorate of Public Works officials would like to remind everyone to properly prepare for below-freezing temperatures by ensuring that ALL windows, doors, overhead doors, and hangars are closed / secure when not in use and at the end of every workday.  

Last winter, numerous buildings had damaged water lines from windows and doors being left open during freezing temperatures. Repairing frozen water lines is time-consuming, costly, and easily preventable by keeping cold air out and warm air in by properly securing buildings. 

Public Works officials appreciate the community's cooperation in preventing frozen pipes this winter.


For our latest stories about Fort Drum and the 10th Mountain Division, click on headlines below.

For additional Fort Drum stories and community news, click HERE.

For the News Digest, click HERE.  

Alpine Operations Course

'Train, advise, develop' mission at Fort Drum

The Four Chaplains

Fort Drum Chaplains inspired by "The Four Chaplains"

Wb_FD Museum Exhibit_01.jpg

New exhibit on 1940 Winter Maneuvers opens

Social Media

Stay current on what's happening in the community through our social media sites.

988 crisis line.jpg

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My Army Post App graphic

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MEDDAC care requirements wb.jpg

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