Soldiers living in the barracks are prohibited from maintaning or having pets in the barracks, including unit mascots. Pets include exotic animals or reptiles such as snakes, lizards, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.
Campbell Crossing
Visit Campbell Crossing Resident Resources for information on their pet policy, fee, and restrictions.

Fort Campbell Veterinary Center
Click on the photo above to go to the Fort Campbell Veterinary Center page.
The veterinary center is located at 5289 8th St. and is open Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. You can reach the center by phone at 270-798-3614.

Dog Parks
Click on the photo above for information about the Dog Parks on the Fort Campbell Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation site.

Stray Animals
Click on the photo above to go to the Facebook page for the Fort Campbell Stray Animal Facility. Call the dispatch desk at 270-798-7111 or the Stray Facility at 931-472-5820 to report a stray animal on Fort Campbell.