CPT Philip A. Latshaw is a native of Meyersdale, PA. He graduated the United States Military Academy in 2016 and commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. In 2016, he attended the Military Police Basic Officer Leader Course at Fort Leonard Wood, MO.
CPT Latshaw’s previous assignments include: Executive Officer, HHD, 25th Movement Control BN, Daegu, Republic of Korea; Platoon Leader, 526th MP Company, Fort Leavenworth, KS; Executive Officer, 526th MP Company, Fort Leavenworth, KS; Platoon Leader, E-701 MP BN, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; S2/S3, Washington CID BN, Fort Myer, VA. He is currently the Law Enforcement Operations Officer, 212th MP Detachment, Fort Belvoir, VA.
His military education includes the Military Police Captains Career Course, Military Police Basic Officer Leader Course, Company Commander and First Sergeant Course, Advanced Police Administration Course, Unit Supply Course, and Nuclear Weapons Orientation Course.
His civilian education includes a Bachelor of Science in United States History from the United States Military Academy and a Master of Professional Studies in Homeland Security from the Pennsylvania State University.
CPT Latshaw’s military awards and decorations include the Army Commendation medal (2 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (2 OLC), National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, and the Overseas Service Ribbon.