Command Team
Lieutenant Colonel Julie Austin was born and raised in Fuquay- Varina North Carolina. She joined ROTC as a Cadet at The Citadel. She commissioned from The Citadel and graduated with a degree in sports management in 2006. Her military education includes the Military Police Officer Basic and Captain’s Career Courses, Airborne School, Jumpmaster Course, Pathfinder Course, Antiterrorism Officer Advanced Course, Foundation Instructor Facilitator Course, Conventional Physical Security, Crime Prevention Course, How the Army Runs, and the Naval War College.
Upon completion of the Officer Basic Course, LTC Austin’s first assignment was at Fort Campbell, KY with the 194th Military Police Company, 716th Military Police Battalion from 2006-2011 as a Platoon Leader and Company Executive Officer. She deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Upon redeployment, she was assigned as the Battalion Training Officer, 716th Military Police Battalion. In 2011, she attended the Military Police Captain’s Career Course while attending the career course she also earned a Master of Arts in Organizational Security Management from Webster University.
Upon completion, she was assigned to 16th Military Police Brigade, Fort Liberty NC as the Brigade Operations Officer. She assumed command of the 65th Military Police Company from 2012-2014 where her unit won the FORSCOM Eagle Award as the best Military Police Company in FORSCOM. After Company Command, LTC Austin was selected as a small group leader for the Military Police Captain’s Career Course at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. In 2016, LTC Austin attended the Naval War College in Newport, RI earning a Master of Arts in Defense and Strategic Studies.
In 2017, LTC Austin was assigned as the Battalion Operations Officer (S3) and later the Executive Officer (XO) for 716th Military Police Battalion on Fort Campbell, KY. Upon completion of her MAJ KD assignments, she attended the University of Missouri at Kansas City and earned a Master of Science in Criminal Justice and Criminology. She was then assigned to the Pentagon in the Office of the Provost Marshall General where she served as the Executive officer to the PMG. Following that assignment, she was assigned to HQDA G 3/5/7 Force Management Division (G37) as the Military Police Organizational Integrator.
LTC Austin’s awards and decorations include Bronze Star, Army Meritorious Service Medal (4OLC), Army Commendation Medal (2OLC), Army Achievement Medal (2OLC), National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal (2 Campaign stars), the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon (Numeral 2), the Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, the Pathfinder Badge and Army Staff Identification Badge.
LTC Austin is married to Katie Austin, and they have two children Skylee (8) and Atlas (12 months).
CSM Reginald L.C. Smith
Command Sergeant Major, Headquarters Battalion
Command Sergeant Major Reginald L.C. Smith is a native of Newport News, Virginia and enlisted in the United States Army in July 2004 as a human resources specialist. He attended basic combat training in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and advanced individual training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina where he earned the military occupational specialty 42A. CSM Smith has attended all levels of the Noncommissioned Officer Education System to include the Sergeants Major Course resident class 72.
CSM Smith has served as a human resources sergeant, joint personnel services noncommissioned officer, strength noncommissioned officer, drill sergeant, drill sergeant leader, senior human resources sergeant, first sergeant, operations sergeant major, G1 Sergeant Major, Human Capital Sergeant Major and currently serves as the Fort Belvoir Headquarters Battalion Command Sergeant Major.
His stateside assignments include Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Suffolk, Virginia, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Fort Cavazos, Texas, and Fort Bliss, Texas, Austin, Texas and Fort Belvoir Virginia. His overseas tours include Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, and Germany.
CSM Smith’s military education includes, unit armorer course, warrior leaders course, manpower and force management course, basic noncommissioned officer course phase I and II, drill sergeant course, army basic instructor course, basic combatives course, combat life saver course, master fitness trainer course, drill sergeant leader course, small group instructor course, senior leader course, brigade s1 course, commander and first sergeants course, tactical combatives course, common faculty development instructor course, the Battalion Pre-Command/Command Sergeant Major Course, the Command Sergeant Major Development Course and the Garrison Pre-Command Course.
His civilian education includes a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership from the University of Charleston, West Virginia, a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership from Excelsior University and he is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration and Leadership from Walden University.
CSM Reginald L.C. Smith has earned several awards and decorations to include the Bronze Star Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal (6th Award) the Joint Service Commendation Medal, and the Drill Sergeant Identification Badge.
CSM Smith resides in Fort Belvoir, Virginia and has two daughters Anjewel (17), and Zola (6).