
Directorate of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for design, constructions, maintenance and repair of all facilities, operation of utility systems, management of all environment and disposal, natural and cultural resources programs as well as providing centralized management for Army Family Housing.

Arbor Day at APG as well as in the State of Maryland is celebrated this year on April 5, 2023.  Annual recognition will be given to APG for receiving awards from the National Arbor Day Foundation (NADF) and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service (MDDNR FS) for our continued sustainable forest management and outstanding urban tree care.  With over 18,000 acres of forest, thousands of urban trees, 50 Year Forest Management Plan and standing as the second largest single forested landowner in the State of Maryland (second only to the State itself) this is a monumental task.  The Installation is celebrating our 18th Tree City Award (NADF), 16th Growth Award (NADF) and 17th People Nurturing and Loving Trees (PLANT) Award (MDDNR FS).  For questions regarding the APG Natural Resources Program please feel free to email usarmy.apg.usag.mbx.dpw-natural-resources-team@mail.mil

DPW Divisions

Master Planning Division
The Master Planning Office develops and maintains Real Property Master Plans, conducts Real Property Planning Board meetings, provides Major Construction Programming Services, provides maximum utilization of Facilities Services, provides Real Property Accountability Services, grants use of Army Real Property and disposes of Real Estate, Facilities, and Real Estate Interests 

Operations & Maintenance Division
To support the Aberdeen Proving Ground mission through effective use of energy, providing and maintaining sustainable facilities and infrastructure, and emphasizing a culture of safety.

Business Operations Integration Division
The Business Operations Integration Division provides management of directorate resources, information technology, human resources, and organizational strategic planning along with financial planning, analysis, programming support, and industrial engineering services.

Engineering Division
To provide engineering support and construction project management to the U.S. Army Garrison. DPW's Engineering Division plans, organizes, coordinates, and oversees master planning, execution of design, construction, and real property management.

Housing Division
The Housing Division offers individual off-post counseling and referral assistance; up-to-date listings of homes for rent or sale; review, clarify or explain lease contracts; mediate disputes between tenants and landlords; inspect off-post rental housing for adequacy and non-discriminatory rental practices; provide handout material, including area maps, rental/sales booklets, brochures, etc.

Environmental Division
The Aberdeen Proving Ground DPW Environmental Division is committed to environmental excellence in all aspects of the Aberdeen Proving Ground mission.

Environmental Assessment for the Removal of the Atkisson Dam

Environmental Assessment UTF, C-Field and Henry (H)- Field Shoreline Stabilization


Part one

Part two

Part three

Adelphi-Blossom Point

Part One

Part Two

Part Three