Newcomers Welcome & In-processing. Are you new to Team APG? Come visit us at Army Community Service any Tuesday from 2-3 p.m., to learn about our many services and also about other on-post and community resources. Open to newly arriving Soldiers, Family members, Civilian employees and Contractors.

Army Community Service (ACS) offers a wealth of resources for Soldiers, Families, Reservists, Retirees, and DoD Civilians. The programs offered are designed to enhance quality of life, promote resilience and self-reliance, and provide stability during war and peace.

ACS offers a place to find the type of support needed for the enhancement of individuals and Families. We invite you to visit and utilize the many services and opportunities provided to help you face the challenges of military life.

Domestic Violence Helpline: +1 (410) 652-6048
Available around the clock, every day of the year, for victims of domestic violence.

Breaking the Silence - Support Group: For Service Members and Family Members who have experienced domestic abuse. This group offers support through bi-weekly educational meetings, networking opportunities and a safe space where the healing process can begin. Support and services are confidential.

  • Meetings are held on Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m.


Military One Source provides useful information and resources to help balance your work and family life. 

The Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) is one of the Army's principal programs to ensure that well-being in the Army keeps pace with changing times.
AFTB provides training for a way of life that prepares everyone in America's Army to function at their highest level, in any situation, with minimal outside support. The training improves personal and family preparedness which enhances overall Army readiness. Please contact the ACS center for further information.
The AVC is a new way of thinking about volunteers and volunteering within the Army.
The Employment Readiness Program provides assistance to individuals in acquiring skills, networks and resources that will allow them to participate in the work force and to develop career/work plans.
The Exceptional Family Member Program is a mandatory enrollment program that works with military and civilian agencies to assist families with special needs by providing comprehensive and coordinated community, housing, educational, medical, and personnel services.
The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is dedicated to the prevention, education, prompt reporting, investigation, intervention and treatment of spouse and child abuse.
The Financial Readiness Program offers information, education and counseling to enhance your abilities to manage money and invest in your future.
The Army Community Service (ACS) Information, Referral, and Follow-Up (I&R) Program provides commanders, soldiers and families with information regarding military and civilian community resources. Our trained staff will give clients any information or assistance they may need or will refer them to the appropriate agency that can best help them.
The Mobilization and Deployment Readiness Program provides active duty, reserve units and guard units with pre and post deployment/mobilization briefings, Rear Detachment training, Reunion Workshops, Battlemind Training, Family Readiness Group training and assistance, information and referral services, resource materials, and Operation R.E.A.D.Y. (Resources for Education About Deployment and You) training.
The Relocation Readiness Program offers a comprehensive support system to help you and your family make permanent change of station moves as smoothly as possible.