031 (School Code)
ATRRS Course Number: 494-74D10
Purpose: Provide Initial Entry Training (IET) and Military Occupational Specialty (MOS-T) category Soldiers the training required to become Military Occupational Specialty Qualified (MOSQ) as a 74D CBRN Specialist.
Scope: Training covers detection, monitoring, identification, sampling, decontamination equipment operations and reconnaissance fundamentals; and, tactics, techniques, and procedures for performing traditional CBRN defense operations at the company level and HAZMAT response operations at the HAZMAT Awareness and Operation levels with a Mission Specific Competency covering PPE and Mass Decontamination operations. Prerequisites: All Initial Entry Training (IET) Soldiers, and Soldiers transitioning (for MOS reclassification purposes) into the 74D Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) from a previously held MOS; and who are in the Active Army (AA), United States Army Reserve (USAR), or Army National Guard (ARNG); are eligible to attend this course as long as they meet the following requirements: Meet Army Regulation (AR) 350-1 Chapter 3 paragraphs 3-12 and 3-13 physical fitness, height and weight, and profile requirements (NOTE: IET Soldiers must only meet accessions standards for initial entry); have a physical demands rating of very heavy; have a physical profile of 122221 or better; have normal color vision; have a minimum score of 95 in aptitude area ST in Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) tests administered prior to 2 January 2002, or a minimum score of 91 in aptitude area ST on ASVAB tests administered on 2 January 2002 and prior to 1 October 2013, or a minimum score of 100 in aptitude area Skilled Technical (ST) on ASVAB tests administered on and after 1 October 2013. Transitioning Soldiers must be in the grade of E6 or below, and must not be a graduate of a previously held MOS' Advanced Leader Course (ALC) or Basic Noncommissioned Officer Course (BNCOC). Soldier's in the grade of E5 through E8 transitioning into the 74D MOS that have already graduated from ALC or BNCOC in their current or previously held MOS, must attend the CBRN Transition Course, 031-74D2/3/4 (T). Transitioning Soldiers must have a complete and accurate PRE-EXECUTION CHECKLIST (PEC) in their hands when they arrive at the training site. IT MUST BE SIGNED BY THE UNIT COMMANDER. The commander can delegate his signature authority. A copy of the Signature Authority memorandum must be attached to the pre-execution checklist. Special Information: Completion of training in the Chemical Defense Training Facility (CDTF) is a requirement for graduation. CDTF training can only be waived by the CMDT, CBRNS on a case by case basis. IET Soldiers who do not satisfactorily complete or who refuse to participate in CDTF training will be processed IAW the current IET reclassification and elimination procedures. Foreign Disclosure: FD2 - The course developers in coordination with the Fort Leonard Wood Foreign Disclosure Office have reviewed the materials contained in this course. This course is NOT releasable to students from other countries.