Basic Combat Training
This 10-week, gender integrated training produces values-based, disciplined Soldiers, who are trained in basic skills, Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills.
First stop to becoming part of the Army team. Soldiers receive uniforms, medical screenings, pay information, and other important equipment and information necessary to start BCT.
Yellow Phase: (weeks 1-2)
Welcome to Basic Combat Training. HOOAH! Soldiers are introduced to their drill sergeants. They are taught what it means to become a Soldier as they learn the Army Values. Instruction is focused on fundamentals of the Army.
Hammer (Red) Phase: (weeks 3-4)
Skill development, self-discipline, team building and continuing values training characterize the Hammer Phase. Highlights include confidence course, Warrior Tower and first Army Combat Fitness Test.
Anvil (White) Phase: (weeks 5-7)
Continue building individual and team skills and adding to the values training learned throughout BCT. Highlights in Anvil Phase include marksmanship training and land navigation.
Forge (Blue) Phase: (weeks 8-10)
This phase concentrates on individual tactical training and increased leadership, self-discipline and teamwork. Highlights from this phase include hand grenades, 10-mile foot march and a field training exercise.
Graduation is a special day for family members and new Soldiers. The ceremony symbolized the transition from civilian to Soldier in the U.S. Army. Find more information about GRADUATION HERE.