Mission: The mission of the TAP is to deliver a world-class transition program for America’s Army that empowers members to make informed career decisions that enhances lives, communities and our nation. Soldiers make informed decisions using transition program services and re-enlistment may be a viable option. It is all about making informed decisions - setting Soldiers up for success.
Fort Meade TAP
We are currently open and working in our office. Please feel free to visit us. If you would like to reach out to us via email (see below for info.) and call us from 0730 to 1600, Monday through Friday.
All TAP requirements must be met prior to separation/retirement.
If you are unsure of your TAP requirements or need to know your status, please call 301-677-9871 or please email usarmy.meade.imcom-atlantic.mbx.soldier-for-life-tap@army.mil with Subject Line – What is my TAP status?
Clearing: To clear TAP, please call 301-677-9871 or please email usarmy.meade.imcom-atlantic.mbx.soldier-for-life-tap@army.mil with Subject Line – Clearing TAP.
Fort Meade TAP
The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) delivers a world-class transition preparation for America’s Army. TAP ensures that every eligible transitioning Service member gains the knowledge, skills, and self-confidence necessary to be competitive and successful in the global workforce and empowers members to make informed career decisions through benefits counseling and employment assistance.
TAP is MANDATORY for all Service members, including National Guard and Reservists transitioning or being released from active duty, after serving 180 continuous days or more in accordance with Section 1142 of Title 10 U.S.C. All Service members must participate in TAP, utilizing transition assistance to meet Career Readiness Standards (CRS) specific to their post-transition career goals.
All Service members must initiate TAP no later than 12 months prior to their separation/retirement date; however, retiring Service members may begin up to 24 months prior to their retirement date and non-retiring Service members can start TAP services 18 months prior to separation.
Retiring Service members may begin TAP up to 24 months prior to their anticipated retirement date, while all other Service members may begin up to 18 months prior to separation. In any case, all personnel must initiate TAP at least one year prior to separation/retirement.
For a list of upcoming classes, please email usarmy.meade.imcom-atlantic.mbx.soldier-for-life-tap@army.mil.
Step 1 – Using Firefox, Chrome or Edge, visit https://portal.armytap.army.mil (CAC access required) to register and complete an Initial Assessment. Please be sure to set aside 15 to 30 minutes for this purpose.
Step 2 - After Registration and Initial Assessment are completed, call 301-677-9871 and Press 1 to schedule your Individual Initial Counseling. Registration and Initial Assessment MUST be completed before scheduling your Individual Initial Counseling.
Step 3: Attend Pre-Separation Briefing: Pre-Separation Briefing is scheduled during your Initial Counseling with Self-Assessment.
Step 4: Attend TAP Classes via teleconference or LMS; TAP classes are provided/scheduled during your Initial Counseling.
Step 5: Submit Career Readiness Standards/Homework (refer to Welcome Email/Initial Counseling email)
Step 6: Complete Capstone – Complete Post Assessment and finalize e-signatures on your E-form DD2648
Karina Lopez, Admin. |
karina.m.lopez16.ctr@army.mil |
(301) 677-9871
Paula McNeill, CIM |
paula.a.mcneill.ctr@army.mil |
(301) 677-9872
Amanda Wilkins, Career Counselor |
amanda.j.wilkins7.ctr@army.mil |
(301) 677-9873
Owen Lyons, Financial Counselor |
OLyons@invernesstechnologies.com |
(301) 677-4289
Sang Kwon, Transition Services Specialist Program Manager
(301) 677-6759
Location: 4550 Parade Field Lane, Ste 303, Fort Meade, MD 20755
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 0730 to 1600