JBLM Design Standards

Public Works' Mission
Plan, maintain, operate and protect the infrastructure, facilities and environment for the service members, civilians, families, and retiree community at JBLM.
Public Works' Vision
The Public Works Directorate at JBLM is a Department of Defense leader in providing exceptional infrastructure, engineering resources, housing and facility management support and services incorporating sustainable development. DPW seeks to ensure the long-term viability of JBLM's ability to support the military commanders and joint base community, advancing environmental stewardship, community relations and quality of life. We are a joint team that is proactive, highly motivated and trained - delivering services efficiently, ethically, and with pride in ownership in all we do.
DPW Services
*Please click on a service to be taken to the corresponding page.
JBLM Geo Portal including Work Order Portal (CAC and Registration Required)
Housing Division
The Housing Division offers a broad array of services for service members, their families and DOD civilians, including the following housing services:
- Unaccompanied Personnel Housing Services – includes on-base barracks and dormitories and certificate of non-availability processing
- On-Base Family Housing Services – includes on-base privatized family housing provided by our housing partner, Liberty Military Housing. Click ⚠ here to visit the Lewis-McChord Communities Page.
- Off-Base Housing Services – includes off-base housing education and referral assistance.
- Temporary lodging options
- Relocation assistance for your next duty station
- Tips for PCSing homeowners who must rent or sell their homes
Click here to visit the Housing homepage.
Environmental Division
The Environmental Division's mission is to protect and enhance the JBLM environment through education, leadership and stewardship. The Environmental Division implements programs to ensure compliance with multiple environmental laws as well as clean-up of past contamination, management of current environmental hazards, pollution prevention and conservation of natural resources.
Click here to visit the Environmental Division page.