Implement drug testing for all active duty service members and applicable Department of Army civilians to adhere with AR 600-85 to facilitate the early identification of alcohol and/or other drug abuse, monitor rehabilitation efforts and deter the use of drugs.
At the Drug Testing Collection Point, our responsibilities are to train commanders' selected NCOs to become Unit Prevention Leaders (UPLs) who can effectively conduct substance abuse prevention activities in their units. Each unit is required to have a certified primary and an alternate UPL. Certification is good for 18 months and must be maintained in order to collect samples.
The Collection Point team is also responsible for the collection and performance of quality assurance of each specimen that arrives at our office. Quality assurance is performed to maintain the integrity of each specimen collected, make sure the proper testing code was used for a particular test and that chain of custody is maintained at all times in accordance with AR 600-85.
The Drug Testing Collection Point also conducts collections and processes civilian samples for designated testing positions.
Unit Prevention Leader Certification is a 24-hour course designated to certify newly appointed UPLs.
Completed and signed UPL packets must be submitted to ASAP no later than one week prior to the class start date. Walk-ins on the first day of the course will not be accepted, even with a completed packer. UPL packets that are incomplete will be returned to the unit and the UPL nominee will not be scheduled for the class until a completed packet is turned in.
UPL certifications are good for 18 months, and UPLs must re-certify within 60 days or will be required to retake the full certification course. UPLs may call 520.538.1289 to schedule their recertification exam. The UPL must bring a new set of appointment orders and their current UPL card.
UPLs returning from deployment, whose certification expired during deployment and exceeds the 60 days will be required to repeat the 24-hour certification course. Otherwise, they may recertify as indicated above.