Army Continuing Education System
In/Out Processing for the Education Center will be conducted by the Fort Detrick Military Personnel Division.
ACES incorporates three major programs:
- College Career Counseling
- Tuition and Credential Assistance
- College Readiness and Basic Skills Development
Learning Resource Center
Monday — Thursday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Please note that the Army Learning Center located in Bldg. 1520, ACES has 3 computer stations available for educational and training purposes only. This service is available to all Fort Detrick personnel with a Federal ID. If you are having difficulty meeting your educational needs at your workstation, please make use of this valuable asset.
Call (301) 619-2854, or E-mail, the ACES Ed Center today!
Functional Academic Skills Training (FAST)
Do you want to improve your academic skills? Do you want to raise your current GT score? If you answered yes to either question, FAST class is for you. FAST class is individualized, self-paced training to help soldiers attain academic competencies necessary for job proficiency and further training. You are supported by computer-based curricula, printed material, web links and an instructor. Soldiers who have a GT score below 110 are eligible. Units usually give priority to soldiers who have GT scores below 100. Your first step is to schedule the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE). To schedule a test call (301) 619-2856/DSN 343-2856 / 2854.
Basic Skills Education Program
The Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP) is a free program for Soldiers that helps improve their reading, writing, and math skills. BSEP is part of the Functional Academic Skills Training (FAST) program.
The purpose is to improve job performance, increase re-enlistment options, promote retention, help soldiers advance their careers, and Increase potential for higher education. Soldiers who have a GT score below 110 are eligible. Units usually give priority to soldiers who have GT scores below 100. Your first step is to contact the Fort Detrick Education Center at (301) 619-2856.
Academic and Vocational Counseling for Professional and Personal Development
Counselor availability by appointment only. Please call 301-619-2854.
Customer Service Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
College Courses
Academic Advisory Sessions
University of Maryland University College (UMUC) is offering academic advisory sessions at the ACES Education Center, Building 1520, on the third Thursday of every month from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
To schedule an appointment, please contact ACES at (301) 619-2854.
Mandatory Training
Mandatory Training for the Fort Detrick workforce is located on the Fort Detrick Installation Extranet
We Have Many Career-enhancing Educational Opportunities to Offer You!
Army Tuition Assistance program pays 100% of a soldier's college tuition not to exceed specified annual and per credit caps.
We provide all Army personnel testing as well as the CLEP, SAT, ACT, GRE, PRAXIS, and more. Our services include academic counseling and advisement.
Local colleges such as Frederick Community College, Hood College, University of Maryland University College, Hagerstown Community College, Frostburg State University, Central Michigan University, Mount Saint Mary's University and Strayer University offer a variety of degree programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
The current online certificate program in government contracting was developed for individuals new to the contracting career field. It includes 6 graduate level courses that have equivalency with DAU's Level I and Level II required training courses. Credits from the 18 semester hour program can also be used toward a master's degree in Procurement and Acquisition Management. Students receive recognition for DAWIA certification and academic credit through this program.
The DAU cooperative degree allows qualified individuals with Level II certification in contracting to transfer 9 credit hours toward 3 different online graduate programs at Webster University (MBA, MA in Procurement and Acquisitions Management and MA in Management and Leadership). CON 202, 204 and 210 or equivalent courses are necessary to qualify for this program aimed at giving academic recognition for professional training.
Military training cooperative degrees are additional ways of receiving 12 or more credits toward a variety of master's degree programs, many available online. Captains Career Courses, Command and General Staff College and other DoD schools are a few of the possible transfer credit sources for military personnel.
Do not miss this opportunity to find out how to use training courses to advance your education.
ArmyIgnitED System
Guidance for Soldiers:
1. Soldiers may continue to submit TA requests to GoArmyEd until 1159 EST on 11 February 021. Pending non-LOI TA Requests that have not been approved by an Army Education Counselor in GoArmyEd before 12 February 2021 will be transferred to ArmyIgnitED; however, the system will reject a request if not approved before the start date of the class.
2. Soldiers currently using TA who do not have an ArmyIgnitED account must create one to continue using TA or to access their TA education history. Soldiers can activate an ArmyIgnitED account by going to and selecting “Get Started”.
3. Fort Detrick Soldiers with questions about the transition to ArmyIgnitED should contact the Education Center at 301-619-2854, or the ArmyIgnitED help desk @ 1-877-272-1330.
NOTICE: IAW OPORD 12-145, the Fort Detrick Education Center will no longer be able to offer proctoring services for students with testing requirements from academic institutions. Students must contact their institution to identify acceptable proctors. We apologize for any inconvenience. Call (301) 619-2854 for more information.
Army Personnel Testing, CLEP, GRE, GMAT, SAT, TABE, and many more, availability to proctor tests upon request. For more information call (301) 619-2854.
Tests are normally conducted every 2 weeks on Wednesday.
SAT I – Call (301) 619-2854 for dates.
ACT Assessment — Must be ordered 4 weeks in advance.
CLEP General and Subject Exams — Paper Based Only, on Hand.
GMAT & GRE General — Not Offered at DANTES Test Centers (Reimbursement authorized for eligible military personnel).
Graduate Record Examination (SUBJECT) — Call (301) 619-2854 for dates.
PRAXIS Series (Teacher Certification) — Call (301) 619-2854 for dates.
Excelsior Extended Response (Essay) — Call (301) 619-2854 for dates.
Training Sources
We Offer assistance in locating training opportunities for both military and civilian, group or individual instruction, on or off post. [COOL]
Career Program - Provides information on ACCES & ACTEDS packets, application process, updates and activities
Our training programs, delivered through the center's technology, advance skills and competencies. High quality presentations by leading experts and timely information provide an excellent resource to Fort Detrick and the community.
Department of Defense Schools
Obtain quotas for a variety of military schools for military and civilians, assistance with processing of application
Call the ACES Education Center at (301) 619-2854, or E-mail us, today!
Troops to Teachers (TTT)
Troops to Teachers provides Counseling and Referral services to military personnel interested in beginning a second career in public education as a teacher. The DANTES Troops to Teachers office will help applicants identify teacher certification requirements, programs leading to certification and employment opportunities. network of state offices. Visit the TTT homepage. Please contact the Army Continuing Education System (ACES) at 301-619-2854 if you have questions.
Maryland Troops to Teachers
Maryland Troops to Teachers staff members provide individual counseling to participants. The objective of this assistance is to develop a customized plan for each individual to help him/her reach their teaching goals. This includes providing information on how to become a Maryland academic or vocational teacher.
Visit: Mid-Atlantic Troops to Teachers, State Department of Education
My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA)
The MyCAA program will reopen to all eligible spouses under the new program guidelines. All spouses, including those currently participating, will be subject to the new eligibility criteria and revised funding limits below:
- Spouse of an active duty Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine service member, or activated Reserve member in pay grades E1-E5, W1-W2, or O1-O2.
- If the spouse of National Guard and/or AGR member, the sponsor must be on federal Title 10 active duty orders as reported in DEERS.
- Spouses of Guard/Reserve members in an Alert, Transition Assistance, or Post Deployment status are not eligible.
- MyCAA accounts will be limited to the new $4,000 maximum benefit with a $2000 fiscal year cap. Waivers to the fiscal year cap will be available for spouses pursuing licensure or certification with a cost that exceeds the $2,000 fiscal year cap up to the total maximum assistance of $4,000.
- Spouses must finish their program of study within three years from the start date of the first course.
- Funding is limited to only Associate's degrees, certifications and licensure programs.
For more information Spouses are encouraged to call (800) 342-9642 or visit