What We Do:
Personnel Security: Program facilitates unit readiness by ensuring that appropriate personnel have been vetted and cleared for accessions, employment, deployment, information systems access, facility access and other mission requirements. It includes processes and actions required for security clearances. It includes processes and actions required for security clearances and suitability/trustworthy determinations.
Information Security : Protect classified and sensitive/controlled unclassified information and safeguards Army operations and activities, critical infrastructure, equipment and military, civilians and contractor personnel. Program ensures access to classified and sensitive/controlled unclassified information is limited only to authorized persons, and that all classified and sensitive controlled unclassified information is properly marked, stored, reproduced, transmitted, transported and destroyed.
Industrial Security: Maintain liaison with the contracting officers, contracting officer representatives, facility security officers and security managers to coordinate industrial security program requirements; Provide guidance and support in the development and review of contract security documentation (includes DD Forms 254, Statements of Work, Performance Work Statements, Task Orders); Provide program management and oversight.
Security Education Training and Awareness: Promote workforce understanding of security program policies and procedures and their contribution to mission success. Develop and facilitate the implementation of a security training program to provide necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities to enable effective performance of security responsibilities by unit S-2s and organization security managers and workforce.
Initial and Annual Training
• Initial and Annual Training
• Not required for contractors.
• On-line: https://jkodirect.jten.mil/Atlas2/faces/page/login/Login.seam
• Login in with CAC
• Click on Course Catalog Tab(top of screen) – in key word search- type Security
• For training pick: ARNORTH Security Refresher Training Course
Personnel with clearances must complete Derivative Classification Training
• Derivative Classification Training –Required every year.
• Required for contractors.
• On-line: https://jkodirect.jten.mil/Atlas2/faces/page/login/Login.seam
• Login in with CAC
• Click on Course Catalog Tab (top of Screen)– in key word search- type Classification
• For training pick: Derivative Classification and Markings