Time for your next duty station?
We'll miss you at Fort Riley! Find contact information you need for your move.
Found out your next duty station?
Here are some things you can get started on:
Contact your new duty's station housing office
Relocation Readiness can help!
Download the Digital Garrison App and the Army PCS Move App ⚠
Received official orders from your S1 for your next duty station?
First stop, plan your move. Start early, start now!
Transportation - Household Goods ⚠
Passenger Services / Official Travel Office
Housing - Cancel your lease with Fort Riley on post or Fort Riley off post and contact your new duty station's housing office on post ⚠ or off post ⚠
Exceptional Family Member Program ⚠
School Support Services / School Liaison ⚠
Veterinary Services / Pets ⚠Pet Transportation assistance ⚠
Moving overseas?
Additional steps may apply to an OCONUS PCS.
"No fee" Passports for each dependent included on orders
Personally Owned Vehicle (POV) Shipment ⚠
Transitioning out of the Army?
So many resources to help you!
USO Pathfinder Transition program ⚠
Outprocessing / Clearing Fort Riley
Finance - ensure your entitlements are squared away
Lending Closet - borrow items after household goods ship
Heading out
Safe travels! We hope you enjoyed your time at Fort Riley.
Are you looking for information on how to move to Fort Riley? Check out our inbound webpage here.