All Soldiers arriving to Fort Riley, Kansas will in-process through the 1st ID Victory Reception Company.

Uniform: OCPs, if signing in Monday through Friday during duty hours (0800-1700). 

Soldiers will need the following on arrival:
  • Copy of all IPPS-A Leave Forms
  • Assignment Orders 
  • All DA Forms 1610's
  • Military ID Card
  • ID Tags
  • Full set of Physical Training Uniform (Winter and Summer PTs to include hat and gloves)
  • Duty Uniform (OCP)


  • Arrive in appropriate attire with your ID Card, ID Tags, and all required documents NO LATER than your report date to Fort Riley.
  • If you are flying into the Manhattan Regional Airport, you will be greeted by your Unit Representative at the terminal and provided instructions from there.
  • If you are driving a POV, upon entering Fort Riley, you will enter the front door or Building 210 and proceed up the small stairs and then your left to the Staff Duty Desk.
Staff Duty is responsible for building your initial packet upon arrival, managing the barracks, and operating the Reception shuttle for barracks Soldiers. Staff Duty personnel will provide your initial brief, and you will receive further instructions and a schedule. All instructions beyond the initial report will be provided by your Small Group Leader (SGL).
NOTE: The phone app "SIGNAL" will be utilized as the main line for communication. It is recommended to download the app on your personal phone as this will be how you receive instructions from your assigned SGL.
  • You will report NLT 0630 to the rear of building 208 in the proper Physical Training Uniform and prepared to conduct Physical Training.
  • 0900-UTC will start your Day One briefings in room 122A.
  • Take all further direction from your assigned SGL.
REMINDER: Please ensure that you go onto your Army Career Tracker profile and complete the Sponsorship Inprocessing Survey prior to being shipped to your unit.​​​
Staff Duty: (785) 239-2119