The DPW is a trusted team of professionals who genuinely care for the needs of the Army community in Okinawa. We pledge to provide our customers the finest quality service and facilities, while striving to fulfill even their unexpressed needs. The DPW provides world-class infrastructure planning, operations, and maintenance of our installations. We strive to deliver the Army's best housing, environmental, and engineering services for the war fighters, while ensuring a safe community for their families.

The DPW is the Garrison's primary element for maintenance of the installation, infrastructure, and the environment. DPW consists of six Public Works Divisions: Business Operations & Integration, Engineering Services, Environmental, Master Planning, Operations & Maintenance, and Unaccompanied Housing. DPW encompasses the review of work classification and technical adequacy of all projects, reviews and validates submission of Military Construction (MILCON) projects and Host Nation (HN) funded projects for all construction and renovations development occurring on the Installation; manages IMCOM's Sustainment Restoration and Moderation (SRM) projects approved and funded for each fiscal year; updates Real Property assets, allowances, requirements, and programmed construction data in a variety of databases; provides day-to-day sustainment and maintenance support for the installation tenant activities; monitors and ensures all work and military-training activities are accomplished incompliance with Federal and State Environmental requirements / regulations; and provides oversight for all Quality of Life requirements for Housing all Unaccompanied Service Members residing on the installation.

The Business Operations & Integration Division provides management of directorate resources, information technology, human resources, and organizational strategic planning along with financial planning, analysis, programming support, work classification, work distribution and industrial engineering services.
Torii Station offers Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) for all unaccompanied military personnel assigned to Army units, activities and tenants. Soldiers are housed based on regulatory guidelines and IAW Army standards for size and type of occupancy entitled by individual rank and status. Torii Station does not have the space to provide UPH to Department of the Army Civilians (DACs), however, exceptions to policy can be discussed on a case by case basis.
The DPW Environmental Division is committed to environmental excellence in all aspects of the Army mission on Okinawa. In accordance with the Japan Environmental Governing Standards (JEGS), Department of Defense (DOD), and U.S. Army requirements, the Environmental Division focuses the installation’s efforts on operating “The Right Way, The Green Way, All The Way.”