Execute the delivery of military personnel services with promptness and efficiency for Active duty Soldiers, Army Reserve, National Guard, and Retirees.  Ensure that each Soldier’s Certificate of Release or Discharge from active duty (DD Form 214) is prepared expeditiously with accurate and precise information.  Assist in making the move from military to civilian life a smooth transition.


CHAPTERS:  Once the chapter is received from legal, Transition Center Staff will confirm the leave balance and contact the S-1. The soldier will have 10 working days to clear from the final approval of the chapter.  Once the Transition Center receives the leave form from the unit the order will be typed and the soldier (and Escort) will come the Transition Center to confirm information on the orders and be issued the clearing papers.  The DD 214 will be issued on the date of the final out. 

 ETS:  Once a soldier finishes the SFL-TAP program and the Transition Center receives the DD Form 2648, the soldier can submit the DA 31 through the unit S-1.  Before completing the DA Form 31, contact the Transition Center to confirm accurate leave balance.  Orders will be cut 3 months prior to leave start date unless there is a valid reason to get the orders earlier. 

UQR:  All officers requesting UQR must route the request through the Torii Station Transition Center via a Memorandum from the requesting officer.  Also required are a Memorandum recommending approval from the Battalion level commander and a Memorandum recommending approval from the Brigade level commander.  The requesting officer must also include a Memorandum from the Education Center stating there is no MSO (Military Service Obligation), and a Reserve Component Briefing Memorandum.  The Transition Center will forward to HRC and contact the requesting officer when any information is received. 

RETIREMENTS (Enlisted):  The Soldier will process DA Form 4187 through the unit then submit the 4187 to the Transition Center.  The Transition Center will create the other documents needed (Sexual harassment Memo, SRB, DEROS Waiver, ETC).  Upon Receipt of the DA Form 4187, the Transition Center will set an appointment for the soldier to come create a DD Form 2339.  Once the DD Form 2339 is completed, the packet will be sent to HRC with the soldier present.   

RETIREMENTS (Officer):  All officers requesting Retirement must route the request through the Torii Station Transition Center.  Documents needed are a Memorandum from the requesting officer, a Memorandum recommending approval from the Battalion level commander, and a memorandum recommending approval from the Brigade level commander.  Once the Transition Center receives all memorandums they will schedule an appointment for review of the DD Form 7301.  The Transition Center will forward to HRC and contact the requesting officer when any information is received.   

RECORDS CHECKS:  All Soldiers will make an appointment to have a Records Check before their final out.