Unaccompanied Housing is managed by each Unit under the Army Barracks Management Program (ABMP). The Housing Division provides oversight, compliance reviews, and assistance to the Units. Housing manages the approval of all accounts under the Enterprise Military Housing (eMH) data base and works with First Sergeants on execution of the program. The Housing Division manages the SLQ.
Torii Station offers Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UH) for all unaccompanied, and “All Other Tour” personnel assigned to Army units, activities and tenants in the grades of E1 – 05. Soldiers are housed based on regulatory guideline and IAW Army standards for size and type of occupancy entitled by individual rank and status. All members are required to check with LRC on HHG weight entitlement (normally 25%). If a Soldier ships excess weight this does not deem an approval to reside off-post. Torii Station does not provide UH for Department of the Army Civilians (DACs), however, exceptions to policy can be discussed on a case by case basis.
Demand Maintenance Order (DMO) Appointment Procedures for Occupants in UPH
Normal visits by DPW craftsmen to accomplish routine Demand Maintenance Order (DMO) work will be scheduled in advance with the requestor, if possible. DPW reserves the right to access all areas within UH on an as needed basis, to execute Emergency or Urgent DMOs regardless if the occupant is present or absent.
Note: DPW does not manage any Family Housing either on or off post. Accompanied Family Housing and Off Post Rental operations for Okinawa are managed by the Kadena Air Force Base housing office. They can be reached by calling DSN: (315) 634-0582.
- USAG Okinawa Unaccompanied Housing Standing Operating Procedures