The information displayed on this website is meant for the sole use of active duty service members, retirees, their families, and other personnel eligible for legal assistance from the Fort Huachuca Office of the Staff Judge Advocate. The information is general in nature and presented to assist those eligible persons to prepare for a legal assistance appointment with a professional in the legal office. Rights and responsibilities vary widely according to the particular set of circumstances in each case. Laws can vary across states, services and civilian jurisdictions, and laws are changed from time to time.

This website and all links have been produced for the general informational purposes only and does not create an attorney-client relationship. It should not be used as a substitute for specific legal advice from an attorney. Any links provided are only for the convenience of the user and are not endorsed by the Army.


Administrative Law / 520.533.5712

Provides legal advice to command and staff regarding investigations, contract and fiscal law, environmental law, federal labor and employment law, miscellaneous administrative and civil law matters, and all issues affecting installation command policies. The office advises AR 15-6 investigating officers and Summary Courts Martial officers.

Claims / 520.533.2212

Pursuant to AR 27-20, services include processing, investigating, adjudicating and negotiating the settlement of non-contractual claims on behalf of and against the Army filed at Fort Huachuca. These claims include personnel claims, tort claims, affirmative claims and Article 139 claims. The office provides professional resolution of claims filed against the U.S. government and assert claims on behalf of the U.S. government against responsible parties. Email

Military Justice / 520.454.1220

Supervises installation-wide Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) matters by advising commanders in determining the disposition of pending or possible disciplinary actions (letters of reprimand to courts-martial) including administrative separations under AR 635-200 and AR 600-8-24, and conducts educational classes on military justice-related topics. The office also serves as the Special Assistant to the U.S. Attorney. All civilian misdemeanors are processed through the Magistrate Court. For questions regarding tickets or fines assessed on Fort Huachuca, call 520.533.0508.

Legal Assistance / 520.533.2009

Services include estate planning, family law, responding to adverse military actions, powers of attorney, notarizations and assisting self-represented patrons with their court cases. The office also offers advice on a range of legal areas, including landlord/tenant, consumer finance, special education and guardianships. Walk-ins are accepted for powers of attorney and notarizations from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Regular office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Email

National Security Law / 520.533.0584

Provides legal advice to commanders and staff on domestic, foreign and international laws that influence and affect military operations. Provides instruction on myriad intelligence law subjects to students and cadre of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, the Human Intelligence Training Joint Center of Excellence, and other Fort Huachuca tenant units. Coordinates for and provides legal guidance to the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command in the execution of DOD Information Network operations.

Trial Defense Services / 520.533.5370

Defending those who defend America. Trained and licensed attorneys ready to provide criminal defense to active duty Soldiers at Fort Huachuca and in the State of Arizona.  Visit Trial Defense Services for more info.