The Civilian Welfare Fund Council provides for the morale, welfare and recreation activities and services for all federal civilian employees at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, consistent with AR 215-7.
The program is owned by the Garrison Commander. There are 11 voting members, one from each of the top ten major tenants (as determined by the annual census), one at-large member who represents everyone else, and a non-voting budget officer.
Funding comes primarily from vending machines in those buildings on the installation where the majority of the employees are federal civilians. If there is a problem with a vending machine in your building, please notify your CWFC unit rep to determine if it belongs to CWFC or the Army & Air Force Exchange Service.
programsMovie Gift Cards
Most people who have heard of the CWFC know about the Cinemark gift cards. In the past, we would regularly buy $10 Cinemark gift cards, and sell them to federal civilian employees for $6. Since Cinemark has switched to a third-party vendor, and regulation forbids us from purchasing from third-party vendors, that program is currently on hold.
Retirement Gifts
Any organization with a federal civilian employee who is retiring, can reach out to us and receive a free retirement gift for that employee. Send the retiree's name and date of presentation to your unit CWFC rep. You may select an engraved travel tumbler or wood plaque.
If a federal civilian employee passes away while they are still actively employed by the government, the organization's human resources personnel can reach out to the CWFC for $50 worth of flowers for the funeral service or a $50 donation to a charity in the deceased's name.
Organizational Events
Each federal civilian employee on post is allocated $5 per fiscal year for funding organizational events. When an organization holds an event open to all federal civilian employees in the organization, they can request $5 for each federal civilian employee planning to attend (as long as that employee's $5 has not already been used during the fiscal year).
Currently the CWFC is in the process of purchasing 100 licenses of the Calm app to make them available to federal civilian employees at Fort Huachuca (more details will be released in the near future). In the past, the CWFC has also sold discounted tickets to Disney on Ice, the Gaslight Theater and Major League Baseball tickets (including bus transportation).
HOW to...Request a retirement tumbler/plaque for a federal civilian employee who is retiring
Contact your CWFC rep with the name you would like on the gift, whether you want the tumbler or the plaque and the date of presentation. Please order at least two full weeks before you need the gift.
Request a bereavement gift
Contact your CWFC representative.
Request funds for organizational events
Contact your CWFC rep. You will need an alpha roster of all the federal civilian employees planning to attend. Please send one month prior to the event (remember that you cannot claim funds for an employee that the organization has already received funds for in the same fiscal year). Send the receipt, and any unspent money to your CWFC rep within 10 days of the event ending.
Request a Calm app account
You can't yet, but when they (or any other offers, such as discounted tickets) come available, your CWFC rep will send out an email with guidance on how to participate.