To provide supervisors and those planning for their retirement future with the tools needed to make an informed decision on when to retire and how to navigate the retirement process.
Retirement from federal service is an exciting and much anticipated event, but no employee looks forward to a complicated application process. Army Civilians planning for retirement are encouraged to navigate to the online Army Benefits Center — Civilian (ABC-C) for information. For some the process may be simple and for others completing multiple forms, interpreting questions, gathering verification documents and navigating the many guidelines and requirements on various websites may seem overwhelming. By understanding how to access information and training, everyone preparing for retirement will be able to navigate the process and understand where to go for advice.
*Non-Appropriated Fund, or NAF, employees should contact the NAF Civilian Personnel Office.
The retirement process may appear monumental. Take advantage of training opportunities and retirement seminars when offered. The virtual pre-retirement briefings start with an "Early Career Overview." In your first five years, consider adding this session to your Individual Development Plan. As you move through your career and as your financial situation changes, decisions you make could impact your future retirement.
The "Mid-Career Overview" briefing is a great time to ask questions about your elected benefits. Five to ten years before your planned retirement date you will want to attend a Pre-Retirement Session. What will you do about health benefits? What is deferred retirement? Is retirement different for different categories of civilians, like NAF employees, or firefighters?
When reviewing checklists of retirement documents, it becomes clear that these decisions and completing paperwork is an individualized process. The best advice will come from the human resource professionals that are processing retirement packages.
updated requirements for retirement applications
The Army Benefits Center-Civilian (ABC-C) has updated their requirements for retirement applications based on the revised Benefits Administration Letter (BAL) 12-103 “healthy” retirement application packages. Revised BAL 12-203 reiterates the requirement for employee verification of all federal service prior to retirement. The ABC-C will complete and forward the SF 3107-1 Certification of Federal Service (Certified Summary) to all employees who have submitted a retirement application for their review and signature prior to forwarding their packet to DFAS and OPM. The applicant will be required to use a CAC or “wet” signature and verify their service history as correct. A five-business day window to review, sign and return the form will be included with the notification. There are several options to return the form including the GRB Platform, email, fax, or regular mail. OPM will delay processing of the retirement application if the employees’ signature is unable to be obtained. Should employees have any questions they may utilize our contact us information located on the ABC-C website at: ABC-C (ARMY Benefits Center - Civilian) - Contact a Specialist? which provides options for phone and/or email inquiry boxes to contact a specialist based on command.
The ABC-C will update this requirement notification in our automated email notifications to employees when they submit their retirement applications, on our social media, website and our Health Retirement Packet briefs.
Army Benefits Center – Civilian (ABC-C) Portal
This is the Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) Knowledge Home.
Planning for Retirement
This provides you with links to different planning tools, like "Estimates" and "Taxes." If you are in a special pay category, like Law Enforcement (LEO), Air Traffic Controller (ATC) or Firefighter (FF), your eligibility for retirement is different from those not in the special pay categories.
Schedules for Pre-Retirement Overview Briefings
You can access these retirement briefings through your government computer. A CAC card is required to access these sessions. You will have access to a chat and can ask questions throughout the session. If you do not have access to a government computer, please contact the Garrison Workforce Development Specialist at 520.533.3185 to arrange a group session.
Government Retirement & Benefits (GRB) Guide
This step-by-step guide was created with the employee in mind and is intended for any employee who is ready to initiate their retirement application via the GRB Platform's Retirement Dashboard wizard. This helpful new guide takes an in-depth look at how to complete each section of the GRB Retirement Dashboard. The guide focuses on specific questions posed by the wizard as you proceed through the various GRB Retirement Dashboard sections. It also highlights important points to consider as you maneuver through the application process. Download this helpful guide from the GRB Platform or here.
Government Retirement & Benefits (GRB) Platform
This is a site where you can plug in the desired dates of your retirement and based on information in the system, including accrued sick and annual leave, an estimate of your retirement benefits is provided. This is also the site where you can complete the required forms and submit your retirement packet online. In the resources section, instructions and in some cases, videos are provided on how to complete the required retirement forms. *Note: Air Traffic Controllers, Firefighters and Law Enforcement retirement information can be found on the main GRB webpage. Once logged into the GRB main page, select "Retirements." At the bottom right under "Resources," select "Retirement for FERS Special Group Employees."
- Sign in using your CAC/PIV.
- Select "Launch" (*Hint: you may have to scroll down to see it).
- The first screen to pop up will be the "Announcements." It is recommended that you allow for Announcements to remain on as they will change. It is also very important to read through these Announcements as they may impact you.
- It is recommended that you review the "New User" video if unfamiliar with the GRB Platform. This video can be found by hovering over the "?" icon in the upper right corner. Video may also auto-populate after the Announcements page is closed.
Retirement Checklists & Forms
This site provides you with the CSRS/CSRS-Offset retirement checklist and associated forms, FERS retirement checklist and associated forms, General Retirement information and forms, and Disability Retirement forms.
Disability Retirement
How do I know if I am eligible for a Disability Retirement under FERS? (click here)
How do I know if I am eligible for a Disability Retirement under CSRS/CSRS Offset? (click here)
Applying for Deferred or Postponed Retirement Under FERS
Brochure available to download from OPM or here.
How do I contact an appropriated-fund (APF) Retirement Specialist?
Army Benefits Center – Civilian
Attn: Retirements & Benefits
305 Marshall Avenue
Fort Riley, KS 66442-7005
Call 785.240.2222 or 1.877.276.9287 or DSN 520.2222. Specialists are available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (CT), Monday through Thursday. Email usarmy.riley.chra-hqs.mbx.abc-c-amc@army.mil
Social Security Administration – Retirement
Plan for your future and understand how Social Security fits into your retirement.