To protect the health, safety and welfare of every Soldier, civilian and family member in the Fort Huachuca community through effective fire protection and prevention, public education and code enforcement. The Fort Huachuca F&ES emergency responders are highly capable of providing incident command, fire suppression, technical rescue, emergency medical and hazardous material responses to mitigate the effects of both natural and man-made disasters that threaten life, property or the environment.
Achieve and maintain a positive cultural change within the department by establishing clear and attainable goals. Provide the Fort Huachuca community with the best F&ES capability and provide a professional work environment for all F&ES members to attain their full potential.
The Fort Huachuca Fire & Emergency Services (F&ES) is a Department of Army / Department of Defense Federal Fire Service Agency.
Among the emergency services listed below, the department also offers community service programs, such as the car seat installation program, children's bike safety, the award-winning Firewise program, CPR training for our law enforcement partners, and a multitude of stand-by support to firing ranges and the C-130 aircraft landing on Hubbard Air Strip. The department supports community function, such as the annual Back-to-School Fair, 4th of July Fireworks display in Sierra Vista, Fire Prevention Awareness Week and various other activities throughout the year.
The Fire Chief oversees all functions of the department with the assistance of the Deputy Fire Chief. Assistant Chiefs of Operations provide daily operational oversight, while the Assistant Chief of Prevention runs the Fire Prevention Division. The Assistant Chief of Training establishes the annual and daily training missions, partnering with Law Enforcement and our mutual aid partners to meet various training requirements on the local, state and federal levels".
The Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief, Assistant Chief of Prevention, Assistant Chief of Training and Fire Prevention personnel work 60-hour work weeks, providing availability to the public on a more consistent basis. Firefighters work a 48/72-hour rotation, working 144 hours bi-weekly. All firefighters have their assigned duty station, but often provide shift coverage at all stations based on the staffing for the duty day. The City of Sierra Vista Fire & Emergency Services provides medical transport as part of an intergovernmental support agreement with Fort Huachuca.
All emergency responses originate at our joint Emergency Communications Center (ECC) fielded by both Fire and Law Enforcement personnel. With a wide range of services provided, our dispatchers can receive anything from 911 phone calls or fire alarm activations to inflight aircraft emergencies and mutual aid requests from surrounding communities. With the ECC being the public's lifeline to our services, it is imperative that our dispatchers receive/provide prompt and accurate information as well as remain highly trained professionals.
Station Captain 520.533.2116
Engine 1310, Rescue 1334, Engine 1326, as well as the Technical Rescue Trailer, run out of Fire Station No. 1. Engine 1310's first due response is to the main cantonment, including Old Post, Greely Hall, Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center, portions of Mountain Vista Communities housing, as well as Black Tower located on the west side of the installation. Rescue 1334 is the department's heavy rescue, responding to all traffic incidents on Fort Huachuca and for requested mutual aid in surrounding communities. Engine 1326 provides first due response for all brush assignments in Zone 1, as well as other brush incidents on Fort Huachuca.
Station Captain 520.533.7004
Station Captain 520.533.7003
Fire Station No. 2 is the department's newest facility and is located on the corner of Irwin Street and Railroad Avenue. Fire Station No. 2 houses Truck 1320, Engines 1321, 1322, 1328, Tender 1325 and Medic 205. Truck 1320 provides coverage to the main cantonment, as well as mutual aid to the City of Sierra Vista and surrounding communities. Engine 1321 is a Type 3 wild land apparatus providing urban interface protection from wild land fire threats. Engine 1322 is a Type 6 wild land apparatus, and along with Tender 1325, provides for initial attack and extended operations for any wild land fire responses.
Station Captain 520.538.2866
Station Captain 520.538.2867
Lieutenant 520.538.2866
Lieutenant 520.538.2867
Located on Libby Army Airfield (LAAF), Fire Station No. 3 is the department's oldest station. Offering a wide variety of emergency response capabilities, Station No. 3 personnel respond to various situations. The main response element is for aircraft, but also to the City of Sierra Vista's Municipal Airport. Crash 1331, Crash 1332 and Crash 1333, the departments ARFF apparatus, provide pump and roll capabilities for C-12 aircraft, unmanned aircraft systems operated by the Amy and U.S. Customs & Border Protection, as well as civilian aircraft to Zone 3. Engine 1327 is one of three, Type 6 engines making up the Fort's initial response to wild land fire incidents. Engine 1330 covers all first due response to structural fire, rescue and EMS response on LAAF, as well as providing second due response for the rest of the cantonment. HazMat 1312 is used to respond with trailers to larger-scale incidents, such as hazardous materials response or to transport the department's air trailer, which is also located at Fire Station No. 3.