Other Documents

This section contains key historical documents, which are listed in chronological order, about the environmental investigation, remediation and completion of the cleanup program. This section also contains documents related to the deletion of lands from the National Priorities List once cleanup actions were complete and met state and federal requirements. Those lands were then transferred to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to manage as a national wildlife refuge.

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund) (1980)

  • The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act is the federal legislation governing hazardous waste cleanup site. 

Remedial Investigation and Endangerment Assessment/Feasibility Study (RI/EA/FS) (includes multiple reports produced from 1988-1995)

  • The U.S. Army completed a systematic investigation of site contamination in accordance with the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). The study was conducted to determine the nature and extent of environmental contamination and to develop and evaluate cleanup alternatives. The reports comprising the RI/EA/FS can be found here.

Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) (1989)

  • Signed by the U.S. Army, Shell, EPA, and Department of Justice, the FFA established a framework for completing high-priority cleanup projects (known as Interim Response Actions) while the overall framework for the remedy was developed. The FFA also outlined procedures for dispute resolution among the parties.    

RMA National Wildlife Refuge Act (1992)

  • Passed by the U.S. Congress, the Refuge Act designated roughly 15,000 acres of the RMA as a future national wildlife refuge. The legislation enabled the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to manage wildlife and public use on the Arsenal while the U.S. Army completed the environmental cleanup. The bill also allowed the U.S. Department of Justice to transfer ownership of the land to the U.S. Department of the Interior once the EPA certified that cleanup actions were complete.

RMA Off-Post Operable Unit Final Record of Decision (1995)

  • The Off-Post Record of Decision (ROD) is the final cleanup plan for the off-post contamination areas. The Off-Post ROD defines the off-post areas, describes the site conditions and risks, presents the selected remedial action, describes the legal requirements governing the cleanup of the off-post areas and explains the basis and purpose of the selected remedy.

Record of Decision for the On-Post Operable Unit (1996) 

  • The On-Post ROD is the final cleanup plan for the RMA. It provides the framework, purpose and overall rationale for the remedial actions to be accomplished at the RMA. It also includes a history, description and evaluation of the extent of and risks posed by contamination of all areas covered by the remedy. Most remedial actions are divided by media into the following categories: groundwater, structures and soils. Additional components of the ROD include acquisition of an alternative water supply for South Adams County, a Medical Monitoring Program, continued operation of the CERCLA Wastewater Treatment Plant, continued biota monitoring, provisions for treatment of unexploded ordnance (UXO), and provisions for disposal of wastes in the Corrective Action Management Unit (CAMU) Landfill.

Complete Text Volume 1
Complete Text Volume 2
Complete Text Volume 3

Corrective Action Management Unit Designation Document (1996)

  • This document supported a proposal to the State of Colorado to establish a Corrective Action Management Unit to allow hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities to be constructed at the RMA.  The document outlines the requirements for the two on-site landfills.        

National Priorities List (NPL) Partial Deletion: RMA Western Tier Parcel of On-Post Operable Unit (2003)

  • The Western Tier Parcel consists of 940 acres on the western perimeter of the On-Post Operable Unit (OU) of the RMA/ NPL site along Quebec Street in Commerce City, Colorado.

NPL Partial Deletion: RMA Selected Perimeter Area of the On-Post Operable Unit (2004)

  • The Selected Perimeter Area of the On-Post OU comprises approximately 4,930 acres (7.7 square miles) of the perimeter of the RMA.

NPL Partial Deletion: RMA Surface Deletion Area of On-Post Operable Unit (2004)

  • The Surface Deletion Area of the On-Post OU comprises approximately 123 acres (0.2 square miles) of the northern and southern perimeter of RMA. This partial deletion pertained to the surface (soil, surface water, sediment) and structures media only and excluded the groundwater media of the Surface Deletion Area.

NPL Partial Deletion: RMA Internal Parcel of On-Post Operable Unit (2006)

  • The Internal Parcel consists of 11.5 square miles (7,396 acres) of the On-Post Operable Unit of RMA.

NPL Partial Deletion: RMA Central and Eastern Surface Areas of OU3 and the Surface Media of OU4 (2010)

  • The Central and Eastern Surface Areas deletion pertained to the surface media (soil, surface water, sediment) and structures (both former structures that have been demolished and structures retained for future use) within the Central and Eastern Surface Areas of the On-Post OU and the surface media of the entire Off-Post OU.

Long-Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) for Ground Water and Surface Water (2010)

Remedial Action Summary Report (RASR) (2011)   

  • This report documents the completion of the environmental cleanup projects outlined in the On-Post Record of Decision.         

Land Use Control Plan (LUCP) (2013)