Inspector General
The commanding general’s No. 1 priority is care of Soldiers, civilians and their Families.
The 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson Inspector General’s (IG) office is open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Wednesday and Friday.
Our office will only be able to assist two complainants at a time during the intake hours. Individuals seeking assistance from the IGO can continue to address issues and request assistance over the phone at 719-526-3900 and via email at If an individual contacts our office through either means of communication listed, an IG will respond to the complainant within two business days, not including weekends or federal and training holidays.
The Inspector General provides the commanding general, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson, a continuing assessment of matters relating to the state of economy, efficiency, discipline, morale, esprit de corps and readiness of units and activities. On order, deploy and provide Inspector General support simultaneously to home and deployed locations in order to sustain the division's and Fort Carson's readiness and war fighting capability.
If you have a complaint for the inspector general. Please fill out an Inspector General Action Request form and bring it into the IG office unless you are making an anonymous complaint you must provide address and phone.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I submit a complaint to an Inspector General?
The Inspectors General Office utilizes Inspector General Action Requests (IGARs) as part of the process of receiving, inquiring into, recording, and responding to complaints or requests either brought directly to the Inspector General or referred to the Inspector General for action. A complaint, allegation, and/or request for assistance can be presented to an IG in person, by telephone, fax, mail or email at Fill in the information on the Inspector General Action Request (IGAR). Unless you are making an anonymous complaint, you must provide an address and phone number.
Who can submit an IGAR?
Anyone may submit an IGAR. The following Commanding General's memorandums address the rights of Soldiers and Civilians to present complaints to the Inspector General.
CG MFR 2 FCCO The Right of Soldiers to Present Complaints to the IG
CG MFR 3 FCCO The Right of Civilians to Present Complaints to the IG
Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA)
If you wish to make a FOIA request for an Army Inspector General record, you may send a written request by mail, e-mail or fax to the office where the records are located or to the address below. Describe the records you want as specifically as possible. Your request must also include your street address, e-mail address and a daytime phone number so you may be contacted if necessary.
Submit your FOIA request form in writing to:
1700 Army Pentagon
Room 1E132
Washington, DC 20310-1700
Telephone: (703) 545-4591
DSN: 685-4591
Fax COM: (703) 545-4585
Fax DSN: 685-4585
Department of the Army IG (DAIG) Public Liaison Office
For questions regarding a DAIG release of records, please contact:
Office of the Inspector General
ATTN: SAIG-ZXR, 1700 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-1700
Phone: 703-545-4591
More information about the FOIA may be found at the following websites:
Department of Defense
Department of the Army IG FOIA
Department of Veterans Affairs