Following an extensive environmental investigation, the Army and Shell developed comprehensive cleanup plans for the soil, structures and groundwater at the site. Those plans were created in collaboration with the community and with federal, state and local regulatory agencies.
The overall framework and rationale for the environmental cleanup is outlined in the On-Post and Off-Post Records of Decision, or RODs. The projects outlined in those documents addressed site contamination in the following ways:
More than 300 structures in the former manufacturing areas were dismantled and placed in Arsenal landfills or other covered consolidation areas. Additionally, approximately 150 additional structures with no future use or history of contamination were demolished. More than 10,000 tons of steel were recycled from those structures.
Five groundwater treatment plants were constructed to treat groundwater on and off the site 24/7. The groundwater treatment program will continue until all water leaving the site meets state and federal standards.
Contaminated soil was excavated and placed in the Arsenal’s consolidation areas and two on-site landfills. Following soil removal, the areas were backfilled with clean soil and seeded with native plants and grasses to restore the site to a short-grass prairie.