Battery Warehouse
Contingency Warehouse
Fuel/Oil Pickup
Fire Extinguisher Service (Vehicle Only)
Parts Washer Service and Repair
Refrigerant Program
Service /Delivery /Support
Fort Campbell operates a centralized Hazardous Materials Control Center also known as the Pollution Prevention Operations Center (PPOC). The purpose of this program is to enhance combat readiness, establish regulatory compliance and inventory management procedures for all hazardous materials used during industrial work processes on Fort Campbell. The instructions in this document are mandatory for all units and activities that are customers of the HMCC/PPOC on Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
Nearly all activities on Fort Campbell use HAZMAT, which are essentially those items requiring a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS). The EQO for the facility is responsible for properly maintaining HAZMAT to minimize safety hazards, prevent spills, and reduce hazardous waste generation. MSDS/SDS are initially provided to units when the HAZMAT locker is set up, and if new product is introduced to the locker, an MSDS/SDS is provided. It is the unit’s responsibility to maintain the MSDS/SDS book.
All units/activities that store Hazardous Materials are required to establish a Hazardous Communication (HAZCOM) Program. AR 385-10 section 16-2 requires all civilian and military personnel of the Department of Defense to comply with the Hazard Communications Standard, 29 CFR 1910-1200. CAM Reg. 385-6 and the Installation Safety Office (ISO) establish the Ft. Campbell program.
The Environmental Division programs have a very close interface and support of the Hazcom program. Units and activities should contact Installation Safety Office for more information. All individuals must be informed of any physical and health hazards that they may be subjected to in the performance of their duties. Hazcom training must be given annually, when new personnel are assigned to the unit, and when a new hazardous material is introduced into the workplace. See also 29 CFR 1910.1200 for more detailed information.
To establish a HAZMAT locker, see the Environmental Protocol Sheets (page A-46) labeled “HAZMAT Locker- Establish.”
The following supply procedures will be utilized to replenish materials for units and activities that have been formally inducted into the PPOC/HMCC operation:
1) All classes of supplies must now be requisitioned and paid for up front through the Army Supply System/GCSS-Army including any hazardous materials. This includes all HAZMAT required to build pre-positioned UBL/Contingency packages for training exercises, JRTC, real-world deployments, etc. The two packages consist of one 15 DOS CLIII (P) package and one 5 DOS CLIX Battery package which vary in contents depending on the unit’s size and their equipment/vehicles.
2) All classes of supply are delivered to the ordering unit’s respective Brigade Tactical Supply Support Activity (SSA). PPOC Staff are on DA1687 authority to pick up all HAZMAT items from the SSA. This includes any CLII, III, IV, and IX hazardous materials. Once the items are picked up they are brought to the PPOC for data entry into the EESOH-MIS HAZMAT tracking database. Fort Campbell has an annual EPA requirement to submit annual EPCRA reports that annotate HAZMAT usage on Fort Campbell. All HAZMAT brought onto the Installation must be captured in the EESOH-MIS database to ensure accurate reporting.
3) Once at the PPOC HAZMAT products are either delivered to the 7 DOS Shop-Stock (HAZMAT lockers) located at the unit motor pool or hangar maintenance area or they are stored on the shelf at the 15 DOS Bench-Stock Warehouse (PPOC) until they are needed at the shop location. If the items were ordered to replenish UBL/Contingency (CLIII (P) or CLIX Batteries) stocks then those items will go to their respective warehouses at the PPOC.
4) PPOC Staff will assist each unit by providing the BMO/PLL Clerk with HAZMAT order sheets including NSNs/unit of issue/quantities needed to replenish stocks at the Bench-Stock Warehouse.
5) PPOC drivers deliver new HAZMAT products to the motor pools/hangars and remove any empty containers and used product for proper disposal. See the Environmental Protocol Sheets (A-46, 47, 48) for additional guidance.
6) Commanders/directors should ensure that all HAZMAT materials utilized in support of maintenance functions are obtained through the PPOC/HMCC.
7) Unit/activities shall not use their Government Purchase Credit Card (GPC) to purchase HAZMAT Supplies without proper approval from the DPW Environmental Division Pollution Prevention Branch located at BLDG 5134, 2nd St & Wickham Ave (270-798-9769).
Battery Warehouse
Contingency Warehouse
Fuel/Oil Pickup
Fire Extinguisher Service (Vehicle Only)
Parts Washer Service and Repair
Refrigerant Program
Service /Delivery /Support