The Mobilization & Deployment Readiness Program helps support community readiness during deployments and emergencies. We help make sure installation programs align with unit deployment cycles, provide pre- and post-deployment support, and help unit Commanders with their Family Readiness plans and deployment support services for Service Members and their Families. We’re responsible for operating an Emergency Family Assistance Center in the case of an all-hazards event, and supporting Service Members and Families during Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) and Repatriation. We also act as a case manager for all requests for assistance through the Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS).

Some of our resources include:

  • Pre- and Post-Deployment Support: Help prepare Soldiers and Families for Deployments and Reintegration by providing trainings and resources throughout the Deployment Cycle in a variety of settings.
  • Family Readiness Groups: Designed to make sure Families have information you need and develop a military support group while your Soldier is deployed. Virtual Family Readiness Groups also provide secure environments in which the commander can communicate directly with Soldiers and Families 24 hours a day no matter where you are.
  • Emergency Family Assistance: Your link to continuous support and assistance as well as authoritative and accurate information in a sensitive, timely, and effective manner.
  • Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS):Ensures all Army personnel and their dependents are accounted for during emergency situations.

For more information on Mobilization, Deployment, and Support Stability Operations support in your community, contact your local Army Community Service office and ask for the Mobilization and Deployment program manager or specialist.

Please contact your Fort Belvoir Mob/DRP Manager at +1 (571) 231-7018