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Belvoir Eagle news
Anna Nordley struggled to focus on an important phone call while she sat at her desk, inconveniently positioned next to the kitchen counter. As an Army spouse and senior accounting manager for the USO, she tried to keep her phone muted to avoid the noisy clatter of the microwave and dishwasher running nearby.
I wanted to update you on two key directives recently signed by the Acting Secretary of the Army:
Allow all SPC/CPLs the choice to voluntarily take an APFT to qualify for or improve their opportunity for promotion.
Authorization for women to wear ponytails in all uniforms at all times.
The Army will resume distribution of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine in limited capacity this week, helping the service reach its goal of vaccinating 80% of the force by July 4, its top medical officer said.

While garrison commanders and other Army leaders rely on Digital Garrison to communicate critical information during emergencies, a global push notification test April 22 highlighted an opportunity for improvement

Results from a recent tenant survey show that overall customer satisfaction is improving, senior Army housing officials said, as the service continues to improve on-base living conditions.