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Belvoir Eagle news

The members of the 82nd Airborne Division All-American Chorus are set to audition for America’s Got Talent Tuesday night in a bid to become the country’s next top entertainers.

What may have started as personal reasons for both of them individually became much bigger commitments for them both as a couple and for their country. Col. Allen Leth is the current Chief of Staff of the Army Chair for the National Defense University as well as an Associate Professor at the National War College. Nicole is the Director of the Fort Belvoir Armed Forces Wellness Center Services in Fort Belvoir, VA. Even though they have different roles, they both want to see the Wellness Center get more attention because of the benefits they can provide servicemembers.

Moving can mean a fresh start in a new and potentially exciting place. But no matter how easy or difficult, it always means extensive planning and preparation, incurring expenses, disrupting regular schedules for children, interrupting relationships and putting a lot of space between you and the people you care most about.

Lt. Col. Christian Hasbach assumed leadership as product manager from Lt. Col. Melissa Johnson, accepting responsibility for the total life cycle management of SMS programs. As PdM, Hasbach will be responsible for coordinating with stakeholders to ensure a system-of-systems engineering approach necessary for seamless interoperability across the Army and Joint Enterprises.

Readiness saves lives.
The latest example comes from Fort Belvoir Primary School, where a pre-k class instructional assistant, Lindsey Fazendine, tells the Eagle she was reopening the blinds in her classroom after the exercise, while the children had already begun eating snacks, and noticed a child crying and turning purple.