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Belvoir Eagle news

The 2022 Fort Belvoir Combined Federal Campaign began Thursday, with a chili cook off in DHR’s conference center, to promote and support giving on the installation through a program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all employees and retirees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.
Fort Belvoir Army Substance Abuse Program would like to invite you to join us as we celebrate Red Ribbon Week, 23-31 October 2022. Red Ribbon Week is recognized on a national level as one of its oldest and largest drug prevention awareness programs.

In the past few years, many of us have made great strides in preparing more home-cooked meals. However, the now manic pace of our post-COVID-19 lives seems to usher in a new level of busyness, tempting us to grab a quick, less nutritious bite at a drive-through.

Numerous experts and Army supporters to encourage local students to consider Reserve Officer Training Corps and West Point as a pathway to be an officer as well as a smart career move.

Fort Belvoir’s Safety Office has two specialists to detect and remove mold in homes and offices. We spoke recently to Charice Smith, who has dedicated her career to helping others through public health.