Ready and Resilient (R2) is the Army's strategy for strengthening individual and unit Personal Readiness and fostering a culture of trust.

R2 provides training and resources to the Army Family to enhance resilience and optimize performance. R2 reinforces the Army Values, beliefs and attitudes, and educates members of the Army team about the importance of building connections with each other, taking care of one another, and being there to support fellow Soldiers.

Every Soldier is a valued member of the Army team and is critical to readiness and mission accomplishment.

Page 32, TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-1
The Army Operating Concept, 31 October 2014
"Develop resilient Soldiers, adaptive leaders and cohesive teams committed to the Army professional ethic that are capable of accomplishing the mission in environments of uncertainty and persistent danger"

Mission: The Army provides R2 capabilities to commanders and leaders to
enable them to sustain personal readiness, build a culture of trust and
optimize human performance in environments of uncertainty and persistent
 danger to improve deployability and successful service.

Vision: The Army is comprised of adaptive leaders of character who
develop cohesive teams of resilient individuals committed to the Army
Profession and capable of accomplishing a range of missions in environment
of uncertainty and persistent danger.