COMMERCIAL to DSN, 05033 + last 6 digit of DSN number. EX) 05033 224725
DSN to COMMERCIAL, add 99 in front of number. EX) 99112(KNP), 9901012345678                             

NOTICE: If you have an emergency on Yongsan or Casey dial DSN: 911
Commercial Casey (Area I): 0503-322-9111
Commercial Yongsan (Area II): 0503-323-9111

Fire Department:
Non-Emergency Number Casey (Area I): 0503-322-4306 / 4307
Non-Emergency Number Yongsan (Area II): 0503-322-3696

24/7 Military Police Desk Casey (Area I):
DSN: 722-4725 / 4726
Commercial: 0503-322-4725 / 4726
24/7 Military Police Desk Yongsan (Area II):
DSN: 722-4348 / 4349
Commercial: 0503-322-4348 / 4349

Emergency Phone numbers if Network is down (KT#):
Camp Casey: 031-866-2764
Camp Hovey: 031-865-9259
Camp Stanley: 031-821-7874
RLFC: 031-531-0768
Bonifas/JSA: 031-952-4807
Warrior Base: 031-952-8450
COOP Office: 031-858-9512