Information & Referral
DSN: 738-7505
- Provide accurate information, helpful resources, and community assistance
- Multi-Agency Coordination, client referral and Follow-up Assistance
- Volunteer program, lending closet and EFMP
Mobilization & Deployment Readiness
DSN: 738-4655
- Master Resilience Classes
- FRG Training and Support
- Army Family Personal Preparedness including NEO (Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations)
- Promote Resiliency & Well-being
Employment Readiness
DSN: 738-7505
- Assistance with resumes, job search, and interviewing
- One on one counseling and workshops
- Federal and General Resume Writing classes
- Scheduled Community wide Job Fairs
- Computer Lab with printing
New Parent Support
DSN: 738-7034
- Resources and services to help enhance parent and infant attachment and to increase knowledge of child development
- Hospital and home visits
- Newborn, parenting, and prenatal classes
- Children’s weekly Playgroups
Exceptional Family Member Program
DSN: 738-7035
- Support services for family members with medical and/or special educational needs
- Multi-Agency Community Coordination
- Respite Care & Support Groups
- Recreational Activities
K-16 Outreach
DSN: 741-6693
- Link Units, Families, and Communities using education, services, and support
- Provide family readiness classes and services to the K-16 community
- Provide ACS Briefing, Classes, Information tables and Displays for your event
Family Advocacy Program
DSN: 738-7047
- Trainings and resources for Commanders and troops
- Classes for parents and families in Preventing and Solving Family Programs
- Communication, Relationship & Parenting Skills Education and Services
Relocation Readiness
DSN: 738-7505
- Information, Counseling, and Training for Before, During and After a PCS Move
- Lending Closet
- Sponsorship Information and Welcome Packets
- Introduction to Korean culture, ESL and Korean Language Classes
Financial Readiness
DSN: 738-8861
- Financial Readiness Training and Education
- Individual Financial Counseling and Classes
- Commander’s Briefing and Troop Trainings
- Coupon Social and Money Management workshops
- Army Emergency Relief (AER) Program
Victim Advocate
DSN: 738-7010
- Provide awareness and prevention, trainings and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting and follow up for sexual harassment/assault issues in the workplace or domestic violence in the home