U.S. Army Engineer School
U.S. Army CBRN School
MSCoE Noncommissioned Officer's Academy
Once trainees arrive at Fort Leonard Wood, their first stop is the 43rd Adjutant General Reception Battalion in Grant Hall. Here they will be issued uniforms, receive immunizations and medical exams, and fill out essential paperwork.
399th Army Band.
5th Engineer Battalion
58th Transportation Battalion
Homeland Defense Civil Support Office
General Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital (GLWACH) is a 472,600 square-foot, full-range military treatment facility serving34,000 beneficiaries within a 40-mile radius of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. GLWACH provides comprehensive health care to optimize the health and readiness of our patients and staff.
The IBD-SS Academy conducts New Equipment Training (NET) for PM Force Protection Systems (FPS) to support the needs of the Combatant Commanders for user-specialists certified to operate and maintain the family of systems and sensors - Standard Ground Station (SGS), Persistent Surveillance System - Ground (PSS-G) Heavy & Medium and Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) 80’ & 107’ Towers, Cerberus Scout, and Rapid Deployment Integrated Surveillance System (RDISS).
Landing page for all Airmen coming to Fort Leonard Wood for training.
U.S. Army Prime Power School