Appliance Repairs
Washers - Dryers - Stoves - Refrigerators - Dishwashers
DSN: 548-4424
Civ: (0611)143-548-4424
Hours of Operation: Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. to noon and 12:45 to 4 p.m. Closed U.S. federal and German holidays.
Self-Help Store
Need to change a lightbulb or patch a nail hole? Spare parts, and for most jobs, the tools needed, are available free of charge through the Self-Help Store.
DSN: 548-4072
Civ: (0611)143-548-4072
Location: Hainerberg, Bldg. 7802
Hours of Operation: Tues. to Fri. 8 a.m. to noon and 12:45 to 5:15 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m. to noon. Closed U.S. federal holidays.
Minor Repairs: Demand Maintenance Orders (DMOs)
Can't get your project done through Self Help? Contact the DPW Customer Service Center via ArMA.
Submit a DMO (regular maintenance/repair) through Arma.
For emergency repairs: DSN 548-HELP (4357) , Civ (0611)143-548-4357
Location: Clay Kaserne, Bldg. 1056, Customer Service Center
Hours of Operation: Mon to Fri 0715 to 1200, 1245 to 1600. Closed US Federal and German Holidays
Facility Engineering Work Request
For major work beyond the scope of a minor repair, such as a renovation project, expanded self-help project or proprietary approval, the organization's desgniated point of contact must submit a request for facility engineering work including DA Form 4283 and AEF200-1A (this form may not open in all browsers).
Important: To access and fill out the DA FORM 4283 or AEF200-1A forms, download a copy and then click the box labeled enable all features at the top of the file page.
Location: Clay Kaserne, Bldg 1056, Customer Service Center
Submit Facility Engineering Work Requests via email